James Christopher Shoaf
July 21, 1951 – September 24, 2024

“Here is a story about a man who was so good that goodness radiated from him as naturally as a ray of light shines and a flower sheds its sweet fragrance. The story goes on to say that the angels deeply desired to honor him in some way and so they asked this good man if there was anything special that he likes. After some discussion, his answer was that he would like to do even greater good and not even know it.”

This is where the story gets good. The story is the life of James Christopher Shoaf. Chris was raised Down Yonder by his parents, Russell and Valeria Shoaf, and with his sister Valerie Truesdale and brother J. Scott Shoaf. Down Yonder became a special place for family and friends to enjoy whether it was annual Shoaf reunions, coming to fish, or just coming for a visit.

Early on his father said to him, “Share what makes you happy, and keep your problems to yourself.” This is exactly what Chris Shoaf did. He lived it, he proved it, he taught it, he was “Good.”

The “Good” grew June 22, 1974, when he married Cathy Elliott, and they started a family with his daughter Jessica and son Logan.

Chris was a jack-of-all-trades. Whether he was building houses, working on the railroad, or keeping the oil room running smoothly at Norandal. Later in life he found his true calling and became a Christian Science Practitioner. His prayers uplifted those who called him and strengthened their relationship with God.

The blessings continued when daughter Jessica married Joe Barringer, and they had children Christopher Joseph and Nora Elizabeth, and son Logan married Scottie Shoaf and had daughters Brinklee Mae and Gillie Scott.

Whether you grew up with, went to school with, or met later in life, Chris will hold a place in your heart. And a quote from the book he wrote “Happy’s Big”: “And best of all … best of all … when you do little things for folks, it makes ’em happy. An’ happy’s big, real big.”

Cavin-Cook Funeral Home, Mooresville, is serving the family.

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