Request for Qualifications
Precast Concrete Supplier

The City of Statesville is posting a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) on the City of Statesville website on Tuesday, July 30, 2024. On behalf of the City of Statesville and Delco Partners, LLC, David E. Looper & Company is constructing a parking garage in downtown Statesville, NC. We are inviting firms to submit a Statement of Qualifications for a precast concrete supplier for the parking garage. The website address to view and download the RFQ documentation is:

The City of Statesville reserved the right to reject any or all requests for qualifications and to accept any proposal which is deemed to be in the best interest of the City of Statesville, NC. For any questions regarding this RFQ, contact Shawn O’Neill at

Eva Mendez
Purchasing Agent

Publish: July 30, 2024