Clean Heart of Statesville hosted the 11th annual Stop the Violence event in Statesville on Saturday.

Representatives of Cochran Street Bible Church, the Statesville Police Department, Statesville Fire Department, Iredell-Statesville Schools, the Statesville Branch NAACP, My Sister’s House, Iredell County EMS, the City of Statesville and other community partners participated in the event at Alex Cooper Park.

The community gathering, which drew a crowd of several hundred people, focused on unification, peace, and action. There was music, dancing, food, and fun activities for the kids.

Statesville City Council member Doris Allison said she has hope for the future.

After sharing three instances in which violence claimed her family members, including two brothers and a nephew, she shared that her faith in God got her through.

“God can strengthen you, you don’t even know,” she said. “The only way to stop violence is to educate and show love.”

She said the violence has to stop to protect others from losing their lives. One way is investing in her ward.

“We’ve been under the microscope for too long,” she said. “It’s time they spotlight the positive.”

Statesville Branch NAACP President Todd Scott is also strongly invested in bettering the area and improving relations. He is tired of the gun violence and wants everyone to care for others.

“We need to be our brothers’ keepers,” Scott shared. “We all came into this world the same, and we’re all going out the same.”

He said his focus is on educating youth.

“It changes attitudes,” Scott said. “I say instead of picking up a gun, pick up a book.”

Pastor Thomas McDaniels of Cochran Street Bible Church said turning to Christ is the answer.

“We pray these streets are covered in the blood of Jesus Christ, to let neighbor embrace neighbor, and to make all homes safe havens for each other.”

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