Special to IFN
The Statesville Woman’s Club recently held its September meeting at the historic clubhouse. The guest speaker was Kevin Angell, director of Children’s Homes of Iredell County, and Destiny Jolicoeur, participant in the program.
Angell shared that the nonprofit’s goal is to “help children and regardless what’s happened in their life to do better.”
At the meeting, Angell had a conversation with Destiny, 20, as she shared her story. In her young life, she has faced many challenges from living with drug-addicted parents, attempting suicide, dropping out of school and breaking into abandoned buildings to being homeless. She ended up in DSS care, but after aging out life was still challenging. Her DSS case worker told her about Children’s Homes of Iredell County, which offers housing to young adults 18 to 21 years old and teaches them life skills. “After Care” works with those over 21 that still need a helping step up from a “parent.” With the help of the nonprofit, Destiny has a job working at Special Treasures and is taking classes at Mitchell Community College. She is working to get her associate degree with the goal of going to Appalachian State University to study law to help others.
The club will be participating in the second GFWC National Day of Service. The National Day of Service is a day in which affiliated clubs come together in service to highlight an area of need, take action to address it, and raise public awareness.
The club will be hosting a “Take-Out Hunger Day” and partnering with Yokefellow Ministry at 1380 Shelton Avenue in Statesville on Saturday, September 28, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Club members will be serving prepared hot lunch boxes which include hamburgers, hot dogs, baked beans, chips and desserts. The goal of the club is “Loving our community in honor of GFWC National Day of Service” with community participation welcome. There will also be music and dancing. Last year the NDS helped feed close to 300 individuals. This year the hope is to feed 500.
The club is also hosting a food drive the month of September with drop off site at Yokefellow. Donations of canned vegetables, peanut butter, canned protein and canned fruit/preserve are welcome. Drop-off times are on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Thursdays from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m., and Fridays from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Champions for Children Chili Cook-Off
The club will host its Champions for Children Chili Cook-Off on Saturday, November 9, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Historic Clubhouse located at 515 West End Avenue in Statesville. The event will benefit the Children’s Homes of Iredell County and the Statesville Woman’s Club’s Clubhouse Capital Campaign.
For those wishing to compete, the cost is $20 per entry and $5 per extra category. Trophies will be awarded to the top three “All-Around” Chilis and Specialty Awards for People’s Choice, Showmanship, Spicy Woman (Ladies Only) and First Responders. Limited vendor spaces are available for $75 per space. The entry cut-off date is Saturday, October 26. Registration forms can be found on the club website www.statesvillewomansclub.org.
At the event guests will be able to purchase either a $5 Basic Chili Kit or $10 “Everything” Chili Kit, which includes additional sampling cups, cornbread, dessert and water. Extra chili cups, drinks (soda/water), desserts, and cornbread will also be available. Red Buffalo Brewing Co. will be on-site with their fire engine selling adult beverages (to 21 and older).
Patrons are asked to park in the adjacent lot at Mitchell Community College on West End Avenue. Guests can pay with either cash or card (processing fee applies). Lawn chairs allowed. In addition to the chili, there will be special entertainment, exhibitors, vendors, classic cars (in Mitchell Community College adjacent parking lot) and a fundraiser raffle “Envelope Challenge.”
For information about renting the Statesville Woman’s Club’s Clubhouse for your meeting or event, email the club at Statesvillewomansclub@gmail.com or call 704-761-8208. The club website is www.statesvillewomansclub.org. For details on joining the Statesville Woman’s Club, contact Membership Team member Joanna Gaither at 704-873-2684.