In his book “The Paradigm Pioneers,” futurist Joel Barker posed this question: During America’s westward expansion in the 1800s, what was the difference between pioneers and settlers?
How would you answer this question?
Pioneers blazed new trails where there were none and bravely went to unexplored territory where no one had ever been.
Settlers, on the other hand, were more risk-averse. They would settle in the frontier towns and wait while the pioneers did their thing. Then once it was time, they would move forward.
Every so often, the settlers would send a message down the trail to ask the pioneers: “Is it safe for us now?”
Eventually, word would come back, “Yes, it is wonderful! Please come join us.”
Here’s the point of this story: Security and opportunity are inversely proportional.
When you have more of one, you will have less of the other. You decide what balance suits you best.
Are you a pioneer or a settler?
If you are a settler, you seek security, the safe route, stability, and predictability. In doing so, you forfeit opportunity and can limit exposure to new experiences and challenges.
Being a pioneer gives you opportunity which can lead to growth, higher rewards, and new experiences.
However, the downside is uncertainty and risk, with potential for failure.
Opportunity Costs
When you have between two or more options, it’s important to evaluate the opportunity cost.
For example, you really need to update your bathroom, but you also are wanting to have a week of vacation at the beach this summer, and your budget won’t allow for both. (Sound familiar?)
The opportunity cost is the choice not taken. It’s what you “give up” to choose the other option.
Be fully aware of opportunity costs; these are never easy. Life is full of decisions, and choosing can be hard work!
Exploring the Canyon
Keeping with our theme of opportunity, let’s revisit a trip made back in 1869 by Major John Wesley Powell and the first exploration of the Grand Canyon and the Colorado River that runs through it.
To explore the river as Powell did, you had to have courage and commitment. You couldn’t just look over the edge.
You had to go in, and when you went in, you went in for good because there was no way to go back up the river — or climb the sheer canyon walls.
In fact, there was only one place to go in the canyon, Lee’s Ferry, and only two places to get out. The second place is a 16-day trip down the river.
Separation Canyon
The first place, located 28 miles upstream before the second, is called Separation Canyon.
Ten men began this trip down the river, and by the time the party reached Separation Canyon, two had died in the rapids.
At Separation Canyon, three of the eight remaining men said, “We’ve had enough rapids and risk. We’re going to get off at Separation Canyon. We’ll let you guys finish the trip.”
And there is great irony—and also tragedy – to this story.
They had already come 200 miles.
Powell and the four members of his team who completed the journey are recognized as American heroes on a level like Lewis & Clark.
The tragic part is that the three who separated — who went for the quieter, safer route — died alone in the desert.
Beware the safe route. It may not always be your best option.
The Time is Now
When you are presented with an opportunity, seize it. It may not come again.
Let’s close with a story from Marlo Thomas’ book “The Right Words at the Right Time” about an incredible athlete who almost never was, until his mother pushed him with six words to seize his opportunity and thus become world-famous.
As a 14-year-old, Shaquille O’Neal, the future NBA superstar, attended a basketball camp expecting to astound the coaches with his ability. He was in for a rude shock.
Although he had been a standout player for his San Antonio high school, at the camp he was just one of many talented players. Feeling ignored by the coaches, he began to worry that perhaps he wasn’t good enough to make the grade. His self-confidence took a nosedive.
Discouraged, he turned to his parents for advice and his mother said: “You must fulfill your dreams while there’s still room for you to do so. Attack them with a full head of steam. There’s no opportunity like now. This is the time you can show people.”
His confidence almost gone, Shaq tried to brush his mother off by saying, “I can’t do that right now. Maybe later.”
Then, Shaquille recalled, his mother said the words that he remembers changed his life.
“Later,” she said, “doesn’t always come to everybody.”
Shaq’s mom’s advice applies to all of us. Don’t wait. Act today on your dreams and opportunities!
Jeff Corbett is an experienced public speaker, meeting facilitator and sales and marketing professional. He lives in Statesville. He can be reached at