Special to IFN
Broad Street United Methodist Church will host its inaugural Leaders in Excellence and Preaching Series on Sunday, March 16.
The series was created as an avenue for the Statesville church to experience some of the best of the country’s theological thinkers, preachers, authors, and pastors.
At 10 a.m., the Sunday School classes will gather for a unified class taught by the Rev. Dr. Christopher Franks, chair and associate professor of religion at High Point University. An ordained United Methodist Elder with degrees from Indiana University and Duke University, he will offer a course on the Luke-Acts narrative that Broad Street is currently studying.
During a combined 11 a.m. service, the church will gather for worship and to hear Bishop William H. Willimon preach the sermon. Willimon is currently the professor of the practice of Christian Ministry at Duke Divinity School and director of the Doctor of Ministry Program. Prior to his appointment at the Divinity School. he served as bishop of North Alabama, and for 20 years as dean of Duke University Chapel, a historic gothic-style chapel built in the center of Duke University’s Campus. Willimon is the author of over 80 books and is considered to be one of the most-read authors by Mainline Protestant preachers. In 1996 he was named one of the “most-effective” preachers in the English-speaking world by Baylor University.
Also during the 11 a.m. service, Dr. Joby Bell, professor of music and coordinator of Sacred Music Program at Appalachian State University, will lead in worship. Bell is was born and raised in Statesville.
At 4 p.m., Bishop Willimon will give a lecture in the sanctuary. The morning’s Sunday School, worship service, and afternoon lecture are open to the public. The worship service and lecture will be livestreamed on the Church’s YouTube Channel and Facebook Page.
Rob Lee, chair of the LEAP Lecture Series, said Broad Street’s Nurture Committee, gave him the blessing to establish the series after traveling across the country studying great preaching and practical theology,
“The great thing about Broad Street United Methodist Church being a home for this series is that we have a long history of gifted preachers offering sermons from our pulpit,” Lee said. “It is only natural that we offer ourselves as a community hub for those who might want to be inspired and dive deeper into their faith.”
Senior Pastor Tracy Schumpert said the series provides an opportunity to showcase to the community that Broad Street is a church that cherishes good preaching and vibrant worship.
“As Christians in the Wesleyan Tradition, we believe we are in a constant state of growth and change into what God intends for us,” she said. “During this season of Lent, this preaching and lecture series will give all who attend the opportunity to learn, grow, and reflect on what God is doing in our lives.”
Broad Street United Methodist Church is located at 315 West Broad Street in Statesville and can be found online at www.broadstreetumc.org.