

There’s a career-ending mistake in every professional. When you self-sabotage your chances of reaching your career goals, you’re committing career suicide. It’s not just you; professionals of all levels and competencies are susceptible to this outcome. 

From entertainers to public school teachers, notice how professionals in their prime suddenly fall off. They probably made ill-advised moves that cost them their futures. You could be going down that path and not realize it yet. 

It only takes one bad decision to throw away all you’ve worked for your whole life. One individual with the skill and experience to help you avoid these mistakes is a career coach. Their ability to save jobs and help dying careers make a historic comeback is unmatched.

Here are the common mistakes you might be making that a career coach can help you avoid.

1. Taking Career Advice from Non-Experts


The decisions you make while pursuing your career can determine how or when it ends. That’s why you must be careful who gives you career advice. Seeking counsel from family and friends can be beneficial. After all, they want what’s best for you. 

Likewise, viewing educational content on social media can give you useful tips on various topics. However, it’s recommended to get career advice from a career coach. Even though your acquaintances mean well, their insufficient knowledge of your career essentials might make them misdirect you. 

The outcome may test your relationship and hurt your career prospects. Thus, working with a career coach does not only help you make informed decisions but can also save your relationships.

2. Believing You Don’t Need a Career Coach


Most working-class people don’t have a career coach. Many see it as a waste of money rather than an investment in their dream. Meanwhile, another fraction of people may think having one is unnecessary considering their current successes. This notion is one of several pitfalls of working people. 

Coaches are some of the most sought-after professionals, which is why there was a 54% increase in the number of coaching professionals between 2019 and 2022. The most successful and consistent professionals in various fields from sports to medicine have coaches. In addition to career coaches, they also have life and retirement coaches. 

For instance, gold medalists continue to work with their career coaches regardless of their experience and successes. Likewise, performing artists work with their vocal, life, and career coaches to break career barriers. If the best minds in virtually every discipline, including yours, hire coaches, you probably should too.

3. Not Reading the Signs of Career Decline

Many people make the mistake of becoming complacent as they climb the corporate ladder. It stops them from noticing the signs of a waning career. 

You may not notice the signs unless a career coach points them out. For example, your ideas no longer getting approved or being left out of important meetings should be concerning. 

Your actions may also contribute to your falling career. For instance, preferring to work alone rather than with a group or “redefining” company rules to suit your lifestyle is not advisable. Making the wrong “enemies” or not addressing inaccuracies about your character will not end well. 

A coach can help you discover the art of getting on the good side of superiors or major clients. You’ll also maintain a positive reputation among your peers. You’ll learn that a coach’s guidance can set the foundation for a fulfilling career.

4. Setting a Career or Income Ceiling

Only a handful of individuals become part of the 99th percentile in any discipline. As a result, you may be wondering if attaining lofty heights professionally is worth it. For some, challenges make them aspire to greatness. Meanwhile, others are satisfied with just making ends meet. Setting a career ceiling may lead to regrets in the future. 

You’ll never know how far your talents could have taken you. If you’re on this route, you need a career coach.

A coach can help you make the most out of your talents. They will encourage you to see your future from the lenses of possibilities. Their professional input can inspire a mentality shift in the right direction. You will break mental barriers and be in a position to seize opportunities. That’s when you will realize there’s no limit to how far you can go professionally or how much you can earn.

5. Starting a Career for the Wrong Reasons

People take on jobs or start a career when it seems the pros outweigh the cons. In reality, not all that glitters is gold. These decisions could lead to years of misery and thousands in debt without expert guidance. 

For some, changing careers too early or too late might be their biggest mistake. These errors can be avoidable with a career coach’s support. They can help you analyze your career prospects about your passion, aspirations, and expectations. They will also help you reevaluate your conditions or reasons for choosing or changing a career.

Bottom Line

While many find fulfillment in having a family or getting rich, enjoying a stellar career is some people’s greatest joy. Unfortunately, you are susceptible to mistakes that may slow your career growth or end it prematurely. You may be on that slippery slope and not realize it. That’s the most terrifying part. 

Fortunately, you can avoid these common mistakes by having a career coach. This collaboration can help you reach the peak of your career and make you retire without regrets. 

There’s no better person to save you from career suicide than a career coach. Don’t wait until your career needs saving before reaching out. Find a coach near you today.