Commissioners will hold public hearing on resolution at Feb. 4 meeting
Iredell County Sheriff Darren Campbell on Tuesday asked the Iredell County Board of Commissioners to take a stand in support of the Second Amendment.
He received a standing ovation from several dozen people who attended the meeting to support the cause.
“As your elected sheriff, I cannot stress the importance of — together — taking a stance … firmly stating to the citizens of Iredell County: I resolve to protect our Constitutional rights, most specifically, the Second Amendment right to bear arms,” Campbell said.
Recent events in Virginia, where lawmakers have proposed gun legislation, have caused the sheriff and others concern that their constitutional rights are under attack, Campbell added.
The sheriff said he believes that a majority of gun owners are law-abiding citizens.
“I whole-heartedly believe that the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,” he said, referencing an incident in Texas where many lives were saved after a gunman was shot by a church member during a Sunday service.
Campbell said he’s heard from many people, who are greatly concerned that efforts in Virginia could spread to North Carolina.
“I urge you to please consider passing a resolution … that will make a historic statement,” he added.
Chairman James Mallory told audience that the board would work in conjunction with the sheriff to draft a resolution that that board could support.
Commissioners seem to prefer passing a resolution that focuses on protecting the rights of its citizens and not focus on establishing Iredell County as a “Second Amendment Sanctuary,” as some other North Carolina counties have done.
In earlier conversations, the board agreed to take a wait-and-see approach to adopting the resolution. However, at Tuesday’s meeting, Commissioner Gene Houpe announced the resolution would be added to the agenda for consideration on Feb. 4.
During that meeting, commissioners will conduct a public hearing at 7 p.m. and give speakers five minutes to talk. Those who wish to be heard can sign up at the meeting or contact Amy Anderson, clerk to the board, aanderson@co.iredell.nc.us or at 704-878-3058.
I am a law abiding Iredell county citizen which believes in the second amendment, the right to keep and bear arms. I am asking the commissioners to adopt a resolution protecting the second amendment gun rights.
I am not a gun owner. I believe that all those people who pass a background check and carry a photo ID stating they have government clearance to carry should be able to purchase a gun. I believe the majority of people who carry guns and commit violence do not have the legal background check.
I believe it would be beneficial to the public if those attending gun shows where guns are purchased should have a photo ID for gun clearance before being admitted to the gun show. There have been too many tragic deaths related to gun violence. Yes you should have the right to carry but just as we have to carry a drivers license to drive a car we should have a photo ID with clearance to carry a gun. If you drive a car and carry maybe it could state by code (like the code for a CDL) that you have the legal right to carry.
Don’t we owe it to our children to be responsible and help save a life. Something needs to be done, clearly what we are doing now is not working.
I congratulate our sheriff for his resolution to reinforce our Second Amendment, that he has presented to our country commissioners, I pray they have the wisdom to approve it.
Yesterday, I had need to visit the Iredell Country Public Library, as I drove up, I noticed a notice posted on the entrance glass with the picture of a hand gun. I thought well it prohibits concealed carry, so I left my gun in the vehicle. As I walked closer to the sign and read it, it stated this was a legal conceal carry building.
I thought what a wonderful deterrent to any one who would have mischief on their mind. After seeing that sign they would want to pick a gun free area, where there will no return fire.
I do pray the commissioners will see the wisdom in this resolution.