Iredell County Sheriff’s Office detectives have charged a suspect with breaking into several buildings on the campus of West Iredell High School and stealing miscellaneous property.

Sheriff Darren Campbell announced the arrest of Daniel Lawrence Brockett Jr., 32, of Woodhaven Drive in a news release Friday.
On Thursday, June 11, ICSO patrol deputies received a report of a breaking and entering at the school, which is located at 213 Warrior Drive near Statesville.
When the deputies arrived, they learned several storage buildings at the softball field, practice football field, and the concession stand at the baseball field had all been broken into, Campbell said. Candy was stolen from the concession stand and an amplifier/stereo sound system was reportedly stolen from the broadcast booth above the concession stand The value of the reported stolen property was $250, according to the news release.
The case was assigned to the Criminal Investigations Division. During the investigation, detectives received information about the stolen property being at a residence on Desiree Drive in Statesville. Detectives went to that residence and obtained information about additional items had been stolen from the school.
Detectives recovered all of the stolen property in this case and identified Brockett as a suspect, Campbell said.
On Thursday, June 18, detectives arrested Brockett at his residence. He was taken to the Iredell County Detention Center, where he was charged with four counts of felony breaking and entering, four counts of felony larceny after breaking and entering, two counts of felony attempted breaking and entering, and misdemeanor first-degree trespassing.
Brockett appeared before Magistrate Chambers, who issued a $20,000 secured bond on these charges.
According to the ICSO, the suspect has numerous criminal convictions of injury to property, driving while license revoked, communicating threats, assault on a female, driving while impaired, larceny of a motor vehicle, fleeing to elude arrest, unauthorized use of a motor vehicle, felony larceny, breaking and entering of a motor vehicle, disorderly conduct, and breaking and entering. Brockett also has charges pending in Buncombe County for driving while impaired, driving while license revoked, reckless driving, hit and run, resisting a public officer, and fleeing to elude.