Special to Iredell Free News
The COVID-19 pandemic and the economic, educational and social disruptions it has caused have changed the way most people live, work and play in Iredell County.
It has also changed how the United Way of Iredell County serves those in need.
“We’ve been asked to support the basic needs of our community at a scale that has never been requested of us before,” United Way Board President Nelson Granade explained. “Through a partnership with the United Way of Central Carolinas and the Iredell County Community Foundation, related grant streams and the generous spirit of many local individual and corporate donors, we’ve been successful in distributing more than $1 million in immediate grants to local non-profits, providing food, shelter, medical equipment or care to over 70,000 individuals since March 15.”
As summer draws to a close, United Way officials are anticipating a continued need for crisis support. The nonprofit is also working on longer term recovery efforts needed to support children and families in achieving academic success and financial stability.
Work is being done on a COVID-19 Education Fund focused on supporting child care and remote learning efforts. This will require us to step outside our usual patterns, and invite the whole community to participate in this collective effort, United Way officials said.

“The needs are great, but the generous spirit of this community is even greater,” said Josh Snow, 2020 United Way Campaign chairperson. “We must ensure that we reach out and invite every single person in our community to join us in helping the people of Iredell rise and recover together. But please don’t wait for us to call on you, join us today by visiting www.uwiredell/UW2020 or calling Brett at 704-872-3000.”
United Way has several online community forums planned, with the first to occur in Late August or early September focusing on education and children.
The first gifts to the fall campaign have already been received. United Way made a special request of our agency partners to consider gifting a portion of their summer allocations in support of their fellow local non-profits struggling to maintain operations.
In an incredible response, one-third of the partners dedicated part or all of their allocations to help others in crisis, which generated $28,722. The agencies making this special gift were American Red Cross, Children’s Hope Alliance, Girl Scouts, Hospice & Palliative Care of Iredell County, I-CARE, Iredell Christian Ministries, Lifespan and the YMCA of Statesville.
United Way of Iredell County
United Way of Iredell County fights for the health, education and financial stability of every person in our community. We partner with 21 local non-profit partners through our annual campaign, and many other local groups and initiatives year-round to achieve this goal. More information is available at www.uwiredell.org.