A group of anti-mask protesters disrupted an Iredell-Statesville Schools Board of Education meeting on Monday night by slamming into and beating on a glass window until it cracked.
No injuries were reported during the disturbance at the Career Academy & Technical School in Troutman. Law enforcement was present, but attendees said no one was arrested.
“It scared a lot of people. Several people got up and moved when it happened,” said board Chairman Martin Page said.
“I couldn’t see it (from where I was at), but the door was shattered. It is the shatterproof glass that you have in a windshield so it stayed together,” he added.
Page described the crowd that gathered outside the boardroom as out of control. He said the board would have to discuss whether additional safety measures will be needed at future meetings.
Inside the boardroom a wave of fear and alarm spread through the parents, district employees and community members, many of whom showed up to share their views – pro and con – about the board’s recent decision to make face masks mandatory. District officials have said face masks are critical to keeping students in schools due to health protocols that require unmasked students to quarantine if they are in close contact with someone who tests positive for COVID-19.
Following the incident, Vice Chairman Todd Carver, a retired law enforcement officer, made a motion to adjourn the meeting. However, his motion was not seconded so the meeting continued.
Page told those in attendance that the meeting was going to be civil. He warned that anyone who caused further disruptions would be removed.
Before the meeting began, the school board was advised by law enforcement that chairs in the boardroom should be separated by six feet. This limited the number of people who could be in the boardroom during the meeting.
When the doors opened for the school board meeting shortly before 6 p.m., people filed into the boardroom. The group of anti-mask protesters was prohibited from entering the room after all of the seats were filled.
Members of that group then began shouting and beating on the glass window from the outside.
Community member Todd Scott said he arrived at CATS around 4:30 p.m. to ensure that he could attend the meeting and address the board during the public comment period.
Scott said that the protesters grew quite angry when they couldn’t get into the meeting.
“They are bullies. They were bullying people to try and get their way,” he said.
A military veteran, Scott said that the constant shouting and shattering glass triggered his PTSD.
“My wife had to calm me down as soon as I got home. I’ll be up all night,” he said.
Public Comments
During the public comment period, parents and citizens on both sides of the mask debate expressed their views. Some were in favor of maintaining the school board’s mask mandate and others spoke out against it.
After the meeting, Superintendent Jeff James said in an interview, “[It’s] sad to see a time when opposing opinions can’t be heard without respect due both.”
If law enforcement was present, why were there no arrests for vandalizing?
This culture of destruction because you disagree with a decision is barbaric. We are supposed to be a civilized nation. The example that is being projected on our children should be one of civility and mutual respect, even when we don’t agree. I hope whoever broke the window is brought to justice. Disagreeing isn’t illegal, but destruction of public property is.
I am in total dismay that these local homegrown domestic terrorists were not arrested for at least damaging public property at the minimum but more appropriately for going for the terror of the public and should absolutely be banned from stepping foot on any school property ever again. Further, this article also states that LEO was present (not the former LEO who is a board member.) This also begs the question why do those officers, who where there, still have badges and guns this morning? Clearly, they used their postion to aid and abet those who sought to disrupt the boards proceedings. As reminiscent of Jan 6 in D.C., those DC officers who were complicit are now charged, so should be those on duty at this meeting last nite for derelict of duty at the least but aiding and abetting domestic terrorist more appropriately.
Isn’t it interesting that there was zero chirps from the SRL on this event….
If you lean left you are a peaceful protesters. If you lean right you are denied that right and called a bullies.
Please be more specific. I’ve read numerous accounts of arrests made when windows were broken during protests. I’m left wondering why none were made in this case?
They are being charged.
Not unless you act like a bully!
An “opposing opinion” was “heard” when a mob pounded on a window and broke it with a loud crack. The mob members demanded their uninformed, unfounded, conspiracy-driven opinions be the only ones heard. When they discovered they would be held to the same rules (represented by those who could safely be permitted into the meeting) they destroyed property and tried to intimidate those trying to keep their children safe. It’s time to start considering what it will be like to have a community, a county, a state, and a nation run by mobs consumed by the notion/idea that “might” is right and a willingness to resort to violence when they don’t get THIER way. Why was no one arrested when county property was clearly destroyed?
These people are in a minority and yes, their entire agenda is to try and intimidate the rest of us with their uninformed opinions. I’m so sick of being held hostage to these people and completely flabbergasted that LEO didn’t arrest these agitators immediately. Had they been any color except lily white, they would have been.
Wow, I’ve seen and read a lot of statements on this issue and the fact that you made a racist comment is unbelievable! Funny how if you just let someone vent their true colors come out. Shame on you for harboring racist thoughts and comments as if our world isn’t turned upside down enough.
They separated the chairs in order to not let people in. Therefore causing the problem. People want to be heard and I’m sure give there POV. However, we live in a society where we are being told what to do everyday without any choice. I can’t imagine why they were angry (sarcasm). Americans want choice and they want to be heard. A world of absolutes will never work. I don’t condone the actions of pounding on the window or breaking it. Also, it’s the quarantine rules that are hurting schools not Covid. If you are afraid wear your own mask, you have no right to mask others. If they want to get sick they will. If your wearing your mask You won’t. The science about masks and there I’ll effect on children and adults is constantly being blocked by the media & government. The UK schools have no masks and don’t have half the issues we do. They are also aware of the health risks and psychological affects they have on our children and adults.
Misinformation by saying the Anti Maskers were left outside, you’re making it sound like no anti maskers were allowed in. The majority or the people in the room were anti maskers, whom two of the board members were included with them. One board member kept his mask under his nose and made a comment that “All weekend long football games were packed with no masks”. Needless to say these men don’t realize that they are there to protect our children.
So people respond with violence simply because they can’t get into the meeting or are against masking! Do they not realize how childish this makes them look?
I say give them an award for expressing their rights.