Special to Iredell Free News
The Gemstone District (Iredell County) Cub Scouts recently held their annual Cub Scout Olympics in the activity field area at Fair View United Methodist Church in Mt. Mourne. Scouts participating in the Olympics were gold medal winners from various Cub Scout Packs throughout the county.
Lion Cubs, Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts participated by age group in a total of eight events, including softball throw, broomstick throw, push-ups, sit-ups, 50-yard dash, running long jump, standing long jump and football kick. Ribbons were given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each event for each age group. A total of 13 scouts competed in the Olympics.
Age Group Winners
5 & 6 Year Old
♦ Gold: Miriam Harknett, Pack # 607, Loray
♦ Silver: Mason Earley, Pack # 173, Mt. Mourne.
7 & 8 Year Old
♦ Gold: Remington Plyler, Pack # 332, Shephard
♦ Silver: Xavier Edwards, Pack # 171, Mooresville
♦ Bronze: Kaitlynn Mac Peek, Pack # 173, Mt. Mourne
9 Year Old
♦ Gold: Ethan Halstead, Pack # 171, Mooresville
♦ Silver: Carson Brumfield, Pack # 173, Mt. Mourne
♦ Bronze: Kylar Gilbert, Pack # 332, Shephard
10 & 11 Year Old
♦ Gold: Joseph Kandell, Pack # 171, Mooresville
♦ Silver: Jacob Nyka, Pack # 170, Mooresville
♦ Bronze: Kaiden Yang, Pack # 607, Loray