Iredell County Commissioner Gene Houpe has withdrawn his candidacy to serve as the next Register of Deeds.
Houpe, who was elected to a two-year term on the Board of Commissioners in November, notified the Iredell County Republican Party Executive Committee of his decision on Sunday.

“After careful consideration and an overwhelming number of requests from elected officials, friends, and citizens to remain as a county commissioner, I am officially withdrawing my name for consideration for the Register of Deeds appointment,” Houpe wrote.
“At this time, I feel that my experience and leadership on the county commission and regional position as the District 12 Director of North Carolina Association of County Commissioners will be best used to help get Iredell County through the COVID-19 crisis and continue working on economic development and the growth we are facing. This is what the people of Iredell entrusted me to do when they elected me to serve them as one of their county commissioners and I want to continue looking out for their families. It has been very humbling, over the past couple of weeks, to have so many ask me to remain in my role and work for citizens of the county. I will support whoever the Executive Committee appoints and will work with this person to ensure that the citizens of Iredell continue to receive the same great service they have enjoyed under Mr. Wyatt’s leadership.”
The GOP Executive Committee is scheduled to meet on January 25 to make its recommendation to fill the vacancy created by Wyatt’s resignation. Iredell commissioners will accept the committee’s recommendation as long as it is made within 30 days of the vacancy.
The process for filling the open position is prescribed by N.C. state statute.