The graduation rate for the Class of 2020 in two Iredell-Statesville Schools early college high schools is 100 percent, according to information released by the N.C. Department of Public Instruction.
Crossroads Early College High School and Collaborative College of Technology and Leadership (CCTL) both earned a 100 percent graduation rate.
CCTL Principal Teri Hutchens and Crossroads Principal Alicia Eller were recognized and received a plaque for outstanding achievement during the Jan. 11 board of education meeting.
“These two programs had a high graduation rate, an outstanding achievement when it comes to students and educators throughout our district. The award tonight is from DPI and the Iredell-Statesville School Board,” said Superintendent Jeff James.
Chairman Martin Page thanked both principals for their hard work.
Fort Dobbs DAR honored
I-SS Director of Communications and Development Boen Nutting recognized the Fort Dobbs Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) for their recent contribution in conjunction with Promisehill.org.
The Fort Dobbs DAR members organized 50 bags with basic necessities and other items to be shared with homeless youth and at-risk youth in the school system. The goal was to instill hope and empower students.
“We are most appreciative to you all for your contributions to the school system,” Nutting said.
DAR officers Regent Lisa McBane and first Vice Regent Susan Tolle accepted the award on behalf of their organization.