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Mitchell Community College’s Holbrook–Huskins Associate Degree Nursing Program celebrated the Class of 2020 and Class of 2021 at its 37th Nursing Pinning ceremony on Wednesday, May 12.
Graduates gathered in the college’s new Health Sciences Building for a ceremony streamed live to friends and family. The guest speaker was Registered Nurse Kelly Gregory, a 2020 Mitchell nursing graduate who works with Iredell Health System Critical Care. Gregory shared her story of joining the profession at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and urged graduates to always be the nurse they would want as a patient.
The ceremony also celebrated the first 11 graduates of the college’s Paramedic to Associate Degree Nursing program, which allows certified paramedics the opportunity to apply their skills and training toward a nursing degree.
Dean of Nursing, Natural, and Health Sciences Linda Wiersch congratulated students, faculty and staff for their commitment and flexibility, overcoming the challenges of learning and teaching during a pandemic.
Mitchell’s Vice President for Instruction Dr. Camille Reese encouraged graduates to wear their pins proudly.
“We are proud to celebrate these graduates,” Reese said. “The Nursing Classes of 2020 and 2021 have persisted like no other. They have shown dedication, adaptabiliity and perseverance––skills that will serve them well in their profession.”
2020 Nursing Graduates
Tomas Alvarado-Lopez, Hanna Auton, Amber Ball, Morgan Barto, Alicia Beaton, Diana Bronson-Meadus, April Bryant, Kayla Burke, Maria Carpenter, Lynsey Clippard, Danielle Delgado, Stephanie Gilson, Marissa Goldsword, Kelly Gregory, Cynthia Mae Harrelson, Scarlet Harrington, Jayden Haywood, Briana Jarnac, Lindsey Jennings, Theresa Lambert, Gonou Lee, Kali Macdonald, Anthony McCroy, Chelsea Millsaps, Caroline Millar, Autumn Murray, Krista Napier, Mia Blair Newton, Jordan Ruppe, Melanie Parker Salem, Haley Sheppard, Allison Shew, Meghan Nicole Shoemaker, Idalina Siebert, Carolynn Paige Snyder, Madison Starr, Maggie Elizabeth Studer, Ada Swierczewski, Amy Valencia, Denise Vallejo, Mackenzie Vega, and Natosha Wheatley.
2021 Nursing Graduates
Lilian Allen*, Rachel Bailey, Sarah Brett, Payton Buchanan, Ryan Church**, Brittany Crihfield-Smith, Kristie Deas, Elizabeth Ellenburg, Stephen Estes**, River Ferrell-Damron, Annie Fussell**, Hanna Hambright, Alexandria Horne, Louanndra Jenkins, Kristen Johnson**, Jessica Rae Mason, Darlene McDowell, Katelyn Mills, Nicole Monroe*, Tomecca Sharae Patterson, Kaitlyn Renee Privette, Alisha Pruitte**, Connie Reed, Christopher Reinig**, Christina Ruggiero, Kate Rumple**, Shanna Rumple**, Jena Schwob-Nelson, Alexandria Sexton, Wesley Shaver**, Kaylee Sherrill, Mary Catherine Sigmon, Khadija Smithers, Julia Southern, Anna Sparks, Cody Stallings, Savannah Stewart, Elyssa Stills, Amanda Sutherland, Tara Szwed, Dawn Truong, Ashley Warren**, Holly Warren, Kayla Wilcox, Anna Willis**, Janine Wilson*, and Trisha Eve Wilson.
2021 Awards and Honors
♦ Alpha Delta Nu Honor Society: Kristie Deas, Elizabeth Ellenburg, River Ferrell-Damron, Tomecca Patterson, Christopher Reinig, Cody Stallings, Ashley Warren, and Anna Willis
♦ Regionaly Increasing Baccalaureate Nurses (RIBN): Rachel Bailey, Alexandria Horne, Jessica Mason, Julia Southern, and Savannah Stewart
♦ Beth Maine Scholarship: Kristen Johnson
♦ Academic Achievement Award – ADN: Jessica Mason
♦ Academic Achievement Award – Paramedic to ADN Bridge: Kristen Johnson
♦ Community Spirit Award: Dawn Truong
♦ Excel Award: Louanndra Jenkins
♦ Humanitarianism Award: Tomecca Patterson
♦ Leadership Award: Stephen Estes
♦ Outstanding Clinician: Christopher Reinig
♦ Professionalism Award: Cody Stallings
♦ Team Spirit Award: Trisha Eve Wilson
* Member Phi Theta Kappa National Honor Society
** Paramedic to Associate Degree Nursing graduate
About Mitchell Community College
Mitchell Community College serves 9,000 students annually through a variety of curriculum, continuing education and workforce development programs. With campuses in Statesville and Mooresville, Mitchell CC offers quality, affordable education options to residents of Iredell County and the surrounding area. For more information, visit www.mitchellcc.edu or call (704) 878-3200 (Statesville Campus) or (704) 663-1923 (Mooresville Campus).