Special to Iredell Free News
Mooresville resident Sophie Raffan has earned her Girl Scout Gold Award, the highest award in Girl Scouting.

Raffan, a member of Girl Scout Troop 10099, wanted to educate others about epilepsy through her Girl Scout Gold Award project. She created a YouTube video with important information for people to know about epilepsy, which she then shared on a website she created as well as on Instagram and TikTok to reach a wide audience.
The Gold Award represents the highest achievement in Girl Scouting, recognizing girls in grades nine through 12 who demonstrate extraordinary leadership through sustainable and measurable Take Action projects. Each girl must dedicate a minimum of 80 hours to planning and carrying out her project, which must benefit the community and have long lasting impact.
“Earning the Girl Scout Gold Award designation is truly a remarkable achievement. It is the culmination of so many things — from a girl’s self-discipline and leadership abilities to time management and the creativity, initiative and mastery of skills it takes to complete these kind of projects,” said Jennifer Wilcox, CEO for Girl Scouts Carolinas Peaks to Piedmont. “Every girl who earns this prestigious award is making a difference not only in her community, but her own life as well. The skills gained through the Gold Award process are ones that will be used often in her future endeavors.”
Earning the Gold Award opens doors to scholarships, preferred admission tracks for college and amazing career opportunities—as well as skills that set girls up for success, like strategic thinking, communication, collaboration, problem solving and time management.
About Girl Scouts Carolinas Peaks to Piedmont
Girl Scouts Carolinas Peaks to Piedmont, a United Way agency, is one of 111 councils nationwide chartered by Girl Scouts of the USA to deliver Girl Scout program within specific geographic boundaries. The local council serves nearly 7,000 girls and 4,500 adult volunteers in 40 counties and maintains three camp properties and four service centers offering unique experiences for girls and adults. For more information on how to join, volunteer, reconnect or donate to GSCP2P, call 800-672-2148 or visit www.girlscoutsp2p.org.