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Ken Poindexter resigned his seat on the Iredell-Statesville Schools Board of Education, citing health concerns.

“On May 19th I was diagnosed with cancer and have been getting treatment since then,” Poindexter said in a statement announcing his decision to step down. “However, it has been progressively harder to perform my duties on the BOE. Therefore, I have made the decision to resign, effective immediately.”
Superintendent Jeff James expressed his appreciation to Poindexter for his service to the
“Ken is a passionate board member that constantly pushed us to go outside the box. His friendship and support will certainly be missed by the staff and myself,” James said.
Pursuant to N.C. state law, vacancies in the membership of the board of education will be filled pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. §115C-37.1, which provides the following procedure:
“If the vacating member was elected as the nominee of a political party, then the person, board, or commission required to fill the vacancy shall consult with the county executive committee of that party and appoint the person recommended by that party executive committee, if the party executive committee makes a recommendation within 30 days of the occurrence of the vacancy.”
Poindexter, a registered Republican, has served District 1 in the northern end of Iredell County for
the last three years. His term ends in December 2022.
“The board is truly going to miss Ken Poindexter’s presence,” Board Chairman Martin Page said. “He has contributed much to our work and is a true supporter of our children. I cannot thank him enough for his service to our school system and Iredell County.”
When asked about his time as a board member, Poindexter stated, “I am so proud of what we’ve accomplished since I was elected. We hired a great superintendent, who is doing a great job for the system. We have tried to be fiscally responsible with taxpayers money, done a great job of responding to the education dilemma in the midst of a pandemic, and have stood for the values of the citizens of Iredell County. I will miss the staff and students of I-SS as well as the others that I served with during my tenure on the Board. I am grateful to have been able to serve the citizens of Iredell County for the past three years.”