Troutman Elementary School’s Fuel Up to Play 60 and Fellowship of Christian Athletes teams chose a cereal drive for their service project for the month of December to help others in the community.
According to Troutman Cafeteria Manager Sherri Saunders, the students loved bringing in cereal with smiles on their faces knowing that it was going to help boys and girls in need.
“Because of their kindness and generosity, Troutman Elementary donated 1,800 boxes of cereal to Iredell Christian Ministries,” she said.
Each mnoth teams challenged their classmates to help and in December the class challenge was the Cereal Drive.
The title of the project was “Help us Spread ‘Cereal’ this Time of Year!”
The teams decided that Iredell Christian Ministries would be the recipient of the cereal boxes collected due to the high volume of requests the nonprofit gets for boxes of cereal.
The local Troutman Food Lion supported the effort by rewarding the December Class Challenge winner and providing boxes to store cereal.
Team members sent out flyers, made posters and encouraged students to bring in cereal boxes every morning-on-morning announcement to help families in need. Teachers talked with their students about the importance of giving and helping others.
Some heartwarming stories came out of this community service project. One student was given a budget, shopped for cereal, checked it out at the self-check out and loaded in his car.
The best part of all, a gentleman behind him asked him why he was buying so much cereal. He told the gentleman what the school was doing to help others and the gentleman gave him some money to help pay for the cereal.
A kindergarten student made her own sign to put in her yard announcing cereal collection to help others at her school. She placed a collection bin beside the sign, so neighbors who walked by could donate cereal.
Saunders said it was a wonderful way to Spread the “Cereal” this time of year.