Special to Iredell Free News
Statesville Regional Airport Manager John Ferguson has been elected president of the North Carolina Airports Association (NCAA), a not-for-profit organization consisting of executive, professional, affiliate and honorary members.

With more than 40 years in airport management experience, Ferguson has served on the NCAA Board for four years and will serve for one year as president.
“My involvement in the NCAA has been extremely beneficial professionally and personally. It provides me with a forum to get information and ideas from other managers and has helped me connect with legislators and state officials,” said Ferguson.
NCAA is currently made up of 72 publicly owned and publicly operated airports in the N.C. Statewide Aviation System.
Ferguson is Statesville’s first airport manager, hired in 2015 to oversee the airport’s operations. He earned the designation as an Accredited Airport Executive with the American Association of Airport Executives in 1993 and recently earned the designation of North Carolina Airport Professional.
Ferguson graduated from Auburn University in 1982 with a degree in Aviation Management.
In addition to providing an opportunity for airport officials to exchange information and consults with peers, the NCAA also investigates, studies, discusses and recommends improvement in and the application of more efficient methods of airport management and administration; collects and distributes to airport officials information about airports and the management and administration of airport affairs; provides the N.C. General Assembly and the public with information necessary for and pertinent to management and administration of airport affairs and oppose legislation injurious thereto; and assists airports in the management and administration of their affairs.