This week brought more sadness to Iredell County. This week we learned Savannah Marie Boltz, mother of Jada Marlowe, made the incredibly difficult decision to remove Jada from Life Support. In an act of heroism, Savannah chose to donate her daughter’s organs so others in need can live.
The accident, which also claimed the lives of Jada’s father, Michael Marlowe, and 5-year-old brother Bentley, has brought residents of Iredell County together. From the day the golf car they were traveling in on Fort Dobbs Road was hit by a vehicle operated by an impaired driver, this county has shown its true colors. Iredell County residents have raised tens of thousands to assist the families devastated by this tragedy. There have been bake sales, T-shirt sales, charity rides and gofundme campaigns to help with medical and funeral costs.
I did not grow up in Iredell County, but I am proud to say I live in such a caring community.
Amy Mills’ father, Wayne Lucado, made a Facebook post earlier this week giving a small update on his daughter, who was critically injured in this accident. The Firewire shared the pictures of Amy, and I am happy to report she had a huge smile on her face in all three pictures. The amount of pain and anguish she has been through over the past two weeks is unimaginable, and to see her smile is outstanding. I know she will have bad days ahead, but that big smile of hers really made my day. She is a super strong woman and will make it through this.

Another awesome post this week was made by the Ebenezer Fire Department. Baby Bailey made a surprise visit to the firehouse. She was sporting her new pink casts on both legs and had a few scratches on her face and arms, but she is doing remarkably well.

Sadly, I have to report on another fatality accident this week. On Friday afternoon, a well-known Iredell County resident named Eric Overcash was riding his motorcycle on Interstate 77 south when he came over a small hill near the 45 mile marker, where traffic was stopped. He tried to avoid the stopped vehicles but his motorcycle clipped the back of a Chevy Avalanche. Bystanders started CPR on Overcash and first responders continued efforts to save his life, but ultimately Overcash succumbed due to his injuries and was declared dead on the scene.
Summer is in full swing, please be careful on the roads. Watch out for motorcycles. There are a lof of new riders are on the road looking to save money on fuel costs. Please be mindful of riders and always double look before pulling out into traffic.
Dan Gitro is the founder of Iredell Firewire.
Thank you for reporting. God Bless these families.
Thank you so much for all you do for us.
I worked with Eric for years. Big E was a good man.
Just discovered the Firewire today and am grateful for the compassion and information you share. Happy Independence Day to you and God bless you, Dan!