After two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, Iredell-Statesville Schools principals, teachers and students are hoping for a better normal this year. 

The 2022-2023 school year began for students on Monday.

At Scotts Elementary School, smiles grew larger as students arrived on campus and were greeted by West Iredell High School football players.

While there were a few first day glitches, it “business as usual” for the most part, according to Superintendent Jeff James.

Central office administrators, including James, spent part of the day at schools across the district to make sure everything went smoothly.

“We all headed out to different schools this morning, and believe it or not, we pulled it off,” James said. “But we still need help. We need bus drivers, custodians and teachers.”

According to the superintendent, the biggest obstacle is the shortage of bus drivers. 

In public education, the state was anticipating 7,600 teacher and staff vacancies and had around 9,600 teacher and staff vacancies, according to the latest released data for 2022.

I-SS had openings for 24 core teachers or teachers who teach things like math, English and science. There 14 openings for Exceptional Children teachers.

“It’s less than it was last year. We’re doing better teaching wise this year,” James said.

On Monday, the district reported 20,723 students in attendance.


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