A coach at Lake Norman High School was arrested Wednesday and charged with a felony sex offense following an investigation by the Iredell County Sheriff’s Office.

On Tuesday, LNHS staff members notified the school resource officer at the school that a female student at the school who had received a voicemail from a suspect identified as Thomas Patrick Strahan, 58, about a sexual act, Darren Campbell said in a news release.
The SRO notified investigators with the ICSO Special Victims Unit, and investigators immediately responded to the school, Campbell said.
Investigators obtained statements from various witnesses who had learned about the voicemail. The investigators then obtained search warrants for Strahan’s social media outlets and telephone records, according to the news release.
School officials were notified of the allegations concerning Strahan, who was a coach for the Lake Norman High School softball team. Strahan is not a teacher at Lake Norman High School, according to the news release.
Special Victims Unit Investigators returned to Lake Norman High School on Wednesday and obtained additional information on this matter, Campbell said.
Based on the evidence gathered, investigators obtained a felony arrest warrant charging Strahan, 58, of Peachmont Drive in Cornelius, with felony indecent liberties with a child.
Strahan was arrested by deputies with the Iredell County Sheriff’s Warrant Squad on Wednesday afternoon and taken to the Iredell County Detention Center, where Magistrate Imes, issued a $50,000 secured bond.
This investigation is ongoing, and additional charges are anticipated, Campbell said.
Iredell-Statesville Schools officials announced Wednesday that Strahan “has been released from his duty” as head softball coach at LNHS.
Strahan has served as a softball coach at LNHS since June 2017, according to I-SS. He does not teach in the district and has never served in any other capacity with I-SS.
Big trouble as it should be. If you’re gonna do dumb stuff then you need to do it where there’s Democratic DA’s so you get a slap on the wrist.