A South Carolina man faces drug and weapons charges after Iredell County Sheriff’s Office deputies seized more than $125,000 worth of fentanyl from his vehicle following a traffic stop and pursuit on Monday.

Sheriff Darren Campbell announced the arrest of Muhammad Zakariyya Abdur-Rahim, 31, of Gemstone Drive, York, S.C., in a news release Wednesday morning.
“The amount of fentanyl seized today is enough to potentially kill 250,000 people according to DEA research. That is more people than the current population of Iredell County,” Campbell said. “The way he interacted with the deputies, the way he drove his vehicle into our deputy’s vehicle, his erratic driving on the busy roads, the way he ran after wrecking his vehicle, the amount of drugs he had in his possession, and his prior criminal history shows this man has no regard for the safety of Iredell County. These are the same drugs that are plaguing our nation and flowing over the border and into many communities across this nation.
“Bottom line, this arrest saved lives here in Iredell County,” the sheriff added.
Deputies assigned to the ICSO Interstate Criminal Enforcement Team conducted a traffic stop on a BMW sedan with South Carolina Registration Plates for traffic violations on I-77 south near mile marker 61 on Monday.
During the course of the stop, the deputies gained enough evidence necessary to search the car, Campbell said.
While searching the vehicle, a concealed handgun and vacuum-packed bags of marijuana were located, according to the news release.
As the deputies were about to arrest Abdur-Rahim, he began to resist and assaulted two deputies, Campbell said. One of the deputies attempted to subdue the suspect with a Tazer, but it was unsuccessful.
Abdur-Rahim returned to his vehicle and drive away from the deputies, who pursued the BMW on I-77 south. Additional deputies responded and deployed Stop Sticks. However, the suspect was able to avoid them and continued onto U.S. Highway 21 South, according to the news release.
Abdur-Rahim continued to the Lowe’s Hardware parking lot in Statesville. When the suspect exited the parking lot and turned onto U.S. 21, he accelerated and rammed a marked ICSO patrol vehicle, according to the news release.
After ramming the patrol vehicle, Abdur-Rahim continued his attempt to flee, Campbell said. He turned into the Iredell County Health Department, where his car became disabled. The suspect then fled on foot for a short distance before deputies took him into custody, according to the news release.
After the suspect was detained, the deputies were able to continue searching the vehicle. The search uncovered a compressed brick of fentanyl weighing 1.4 pounds, according to the news release. The fentanyl has an approximate street value of $125,400.

While the deputies were processing Abdur-Rahim, they learned he is a convicted felon who was released from federal prison in 2019 after serving 70 months for firearm-related charges.
Abdur-Rahim was transported to the Iredell County Detention Center, where he was charged with: Felony Assault with a Deadly Weapon on Government Official, Felony Possession of Firearm by a Convicted Felon, Felony Trafficking of a Schedule II Controlled Substance (Fentanyl), Felony Possession with Intent to Sell or Deliver a Schedule II Controlled Substance (Fentanyl), Felony Possession of Marijuana, Felony Maintaining a Vehicle for the Sale or Use of a Controlled Substance, Felony Possession with Intent to Sell or Deliver Marijuana, Misdemeanor Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Felony Flee to Elude Arrest, Misdemeanor Carry a Concealed Gun, and Misdemeanor Resisting Arrest.
Magistrate Chambers issued a $500,000 secured bond on these charges.
I figured the bond would be higher than that.
The evaluation process for setting bonds needs to be considered.
This guy doesn’t need to be on the streets !
Please consider higher bonds.