Special to Iredell Free News
The General Federation of Women’s Club of North Carolina Statesville Woman’s Club recently held new member orientation and induction at the club’s historic clubhouse on West End Avenue. At the spring themed meeting the club’s twelve new members were recognized: Kayla Bass, Andrea Britton-Sawyers, Lori Carbone, Patti Green, NaKayla Griffin, Roxy Kennedy, Tammy Kennedy, Yolanda Myers-Johnson, Rita Tondo, Kim Turner, Deneen Wells and Maggie Wells.
During the meeting, Club Past President and Historian Linda Lavinder presented an informative history presentation. She shared that the General Federation of Women’s Club was spearheaded by Jane Cunningham Croly in 1868 and officially formed on April 24, 1890, at a convention in New York City. Though the federal chapter, GFWC Headquarters is located in Washington, D.C. There are around 80,000 members in clubs across the United States and in several countries. GFWC of NC was organized in 1902 in Winston-Salem. The Statesville Woman’s Club was started in 1920 by Mrs. Benjamin Franklin Long (Mary Alice) and was incorporated in 1927.
The induction ceremony was performed by Club President Dana White with new members being paired with established members to help guide new members. During the ceremony, there was a candlelight service with the light being shared from the president to the new members. After the candles were extinguished, the mentors presented the mentees with an official GFWC lapel pin, a red rose and certificate. To conclude the meeting the members recited “A Collect for Club Women” by Mary Stewart.
For details on joining the Statesville Woman’s Club, contact Membership Chair Stephanie Gill at 704-657-5008. To learn about renting the GFWC of NC Statesville Woman’s Clubhouse for your meeting or event, email Statesvillewomansclub@gmail.com or call 704-761-8208.