Crossroads Arts and Science Early College students recently had an opportunity to vie for a job at a grocery store during the school’s mock interview day.
Teacher Tracy Skeens, who teaches Career Management, scheduled one-on-one meetings for students with district administrations and community volunteers, who reviewed cover letters and resumes and conducted practice interviews.
“I wanted to give them a real-life, authentic experience for getting into college or for getting their first job,” Skeens explained.
With the interviews being in-person, Skeens also discussed with students the importance of appropriate clothing choices, good eye contact and a firm handshake. Asking good questions following the interview is also critical, she stressed.
Student Keira Born said one question that surprised her was “When was a time you failed and what did you learn from it?”
Born said she had to think about for a second, but she remembered a personal experience involving a friend and the lesson she learned. Overall, she felt good about her interview and received positive feedback.
In the days leading up to the mock interviews, students learned how to create an effective resume and different formats, what questions employers can legally ask during an interview and practical advice for interviews.
Fifteen of the 19 students in Skeens’ class have never had a real job interview.
“It showed me what the real world would be like and how to be professional. It was a great experience,” said student Malachi Daniels.
Deniyah Hardy agreed that it was a valuable experience.
“I know what they (employers) are thinking and what questions to expect,” Hardy said.