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Special Olympics Iredell County Cheerleading coaches Jeanne Warren and Kim Sipes are getting accustomed to getting up early on Saturday mornings and hopping in a van.
In recent months, they have been featured at the Special Olympics Iredell County Polar Plunge, the Special Olympics Gaston County Basketball Invitational, and the Special Olympics Iredell County Spring Games.
They recently returned home after gold medals at the Special Olympics North Carolina Cheerleading Tournament. This team began practice in January and has been coached throughout by Warren and Sipes.
Sipes said when it was Iredell’s time to perform at the Special Olympics North Carolina Cheerleading Tournament, the athletes came out cheering and found their spots on the mat. She had bought a little plastic car for each of them of different colors so they would know where to stand by the color of their car.
Another strategy the coaches used was to make videos of themselves with the moves and cheers so the cheerleaders could practice at home in addition to the hour they practiced at the Statesville Recreation Center each week.
Warren described the competition was filled day was filled with excitement. Special Olympics Iredell County was the second team to perform their routine. While waiting their turn outside of the gym, the team that performed before them came out and had to walk past them. Without being prompted, they started cheering for the other team and congratulating them on a great job, Sipes said.
Warren and Sipes said the display of sportsmanship was amazing, and it carried on all day for the other teams.
The Iredell team performed three cheers, using signs in one of the routines, which engaged the audience. The cheerleading team beamed with smiles and simply loved the crowd responding, added Warren.
Finally, the Iredell team was called to the auditorium and taken to the stage, where they were presented gold medals for winning their division. The girls went crazy!
Warren and Sipes said the accomplishment took a while to sink in for them.
Bobbi Williams, Special Olympics Iredell County local coordinator, approached them and asked them to to start the program.
“I did not realize the joy these girls would bring me,” Warren said. “It was like they stole my heart immediately.”
Sipes agreed.
“Our young ladies are truly amazing people and they deserve this recognition. We feel so blessed to get to be a part of their lives!”
Both coaches recommend getting involved with Special Olympics Iredell County to be a part of this tremendous movement to enrich the lives of our most vulnerable citizens. There is always a task one can do in Special Olympics.
To learn more about how you can become involved in Special Olympics follow on Facebook at Special Olympics Iredell County or email Bobbi Williams, Local Coordinator at iredell@sonc.net.