Stephen Barker has a grand vision for the Historic Vance Hotel.
Speaking at the annual meeting of the Downtown Statesville Development Corporation on Wednesday, the CEO of the Catellus Group outlined what is happening behind the scenes to turn that vision into reality.
While there are few outward signs of progress on the Vance, Barker assured the downtown business group that the project is moving forward. A Charlotte architect is finalizing the plans, an Atlanta firm is handling the interior design and a New York company is managing the branding and vision.
“It’s chaos,” he explained. “There’s lots of things moving — lots of moving parts.”
The Catellus Group, which purchased the 90-room hotel from the City of Statesville for $47,000 in August of 2022., plans to convert the downtown hotel into a 64-room boutique hotel with a restaurant and bar.
The developer is working with local and state agencies to preserve historical features of the Vance, which opened in 1922. The original mosaic tile floor in the lobby is being restored, and the new bar and tables in the restaurant will capture the feel of a Classic Revival-style hotel, the developer said.
Barker said a decision has not been made whether to keep the basement swimming pool.
The Catellus Group is also planning a 140-space parking deck for the rear of the property, but Barker conceded he was not sure “how to pay for it just yet.”
Although he did not commit to an opening date, Barker, who first visited the hotel in 2009, predicted that the project will help spark a new revitalization of the downtown district.
“You’ve got a jewel here,” he said. “It’s like walking on the beach and finding a little diamond. … I know what it can do for this community.”
He pointed to the ghost stories associated with the hotel, the motion picture industry’s ties to the property, and the community’s strong connection to the Vance as evidence of its value to the city, all of which will make it attractive to future visitors.
“It has branded itself philosophically with the fabric of this community,” Barker said.
The Vance, which has been shuttered for more than 20 years, will have a symbiotic relationship with the civic center and the downtown, Barker said.
The management arm of the Catellus Group, will operate the hotel and be actively engaged in marketing Statesville as a destination. In order for that effort to succeed, Barker said, the downtown district will need to “step up” its game. The area needs at least three more restaurants, and property owners should develop the second floors of their buildings as residential space to bring more people downtown, he said.
“This town is ready to go right now,” Barker explained.
I do hope you leave the pool. That brings back good and funny memories.
Our Dad was Bartender at the Rathskeller (sp) back when we were growing up. Herman Troutman. Loved those days. Love all the memories of the Hotel.
I said it a year ago and I’ll say it again, even though the development company got this building for close to free, in my opinion the project numbers don’t work. The developer said he still doesn’t know how he is going to pay for the parking deck, which was a important factor in the council selling the property to this group. Now the developer wants the town to step up its game. If this hotel opens up, and I don’t believe it will, it won’t last. Sorry to burst everyone’s bubble.
There is always negative people like hyett who want something to fail but he doesn’t know everything. At least someone is trying to keep Statesville alive. I’m all for it. It’s too beautiful to waste.
Yes, it’s too beautiful to waste, but how are they going to attract the caliber of people they’re catering to when the city won’t clean up the streets from the vagrants, homeless and drug dealing? I’m not trying to be rude to those in these situations, but I won’t even go down there if I can find what I’m looking for somewhere else because of being approached by people wanting something. They need to address the real problems downtown and deal with them first before deciding whether a basement pool will stay in a luxury boutique hotel.
Michele, I regularly go downtown several times a week and I can’t remember the last time I was approached or bothered by homeless people, vagrants, or drug dealers. What you describe is not the reality of downtown Statesville. At all.
I totally agree. There is an occasional panhandler; but nothing like what I see in other cities.
I work downtown and yes it is
I don’t see what is wrong with asking Statesville to “step up its game.” Statesville is our town; a town that is not growing. The reopening of the Vance should bring people to Statesville. People mean more income for the shops and restaurants already in downtown. Maybe it would be a good time to start new shops and apartments on the second floors. Maybe this is Statesville’s chance to grow. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but Mooresville is bursting with growth. Troutman is growing rapidly. I heard some one say recently “I guess Troutman will soon be annexing Statesville.” Statesville is a small town. Troutman was smaller. Do we want to always be a small town? This might be our only chance to be recognized. I think the people of Statesville and Iredell County should show support and gratitude to the companies who are creating “the jewel of Statesville.” Show some enthusiasm.
Go for it Statesville!
I sincerely doubt that the swimming pool will meet current construction standards for N.C. Regulations/Inspections by Environmental Health. Hopper bottom pools are NOT approved.
It is time for Statesville to grow beyond new measure’s…. it’s our time ….. it’s time for new entities to be attracted to our City……the NCDOT IS DOING THEIR WORK NOW…..WE GOT NEW EXITS ON I-40 AND ON I-77, AND WE HAVE OUR ROUNDABOUTS!!!!! GROWTH IS SOMETHING THAT NO ONE CAN STOP FROM HAPPENING……we now have citizenship made up from people from the north, northeast, south, and the southeast, as well as from the Midwest, and the West coast!!! It’s time for new money to come into this beautiful City that has been put on the Map as a beautiful place to raise a family, and to start new businesses as well!!!!! SO EVERYBODY JUST GET ON BOARD…. BECAUSE THE GROWTH TRAIN HAS ALREADY LEFT THE STATION!!! SO LET’S GO STATESVILLE…..STEP UP TO BAT…… IT’S STATESVILLE’S TIME SO LET US SHOW THE USA AND THE WORLD WHY STATESVILLE, N.C., IS THE PLACE TO BE WITHIN AN HOUR NORTH OF THE GREAT CITY OF CHARLOTTE.
I do think the timing is right. As unfortunate as the recent horrible fire in downtown was, it actually opens these beautiful buildings for amazing new opportunities. Just look at what is going on in Huntersville, and Mooresville. People do want to be in Statesville. This town could be much more incredible than it is. Let’s GO !
I toured this property with Steve Barker many years ago when Tom Wilson, the owner of the Vance, then engaged me as his broker, prior to his fatal aircraft crash. Steve has been working on this project for a long time. Everyone in Statesville should be thankful for his persistence in trying to bring the most prominent and historic building in Statesville back to a viable and important piece in Statesville’s downtown legacy. Best wishes, Steve, and thanks for your unwavering devotion to this project.. You are truly a visionary and the people in Statesville will come to know that.
Frank Harmon
Equity Commercial Properties
I think reviving the Vance Hotel is the one missing piece needed to complement and complete the beautiful Streetscape that has enhanced downtown and attracted more people. It would eliminate the need to drive away from downtown to stay in a hotel off of the interstate.
I look forward to its success! I love downtown Statesville and am so happy for the long way it has come over the years thanks to many others who love it and DSDC. Where there is a will there is a way! I agree – Go Statesville!
I hope this developer continues with this project. Wonderful potential for Statesville to become a great tourist attraction with all the history here.
I definitely understand your point Lee Hyatt.
Unfortunately the developer spoke the truth though when he mentioned the business owners. Right now there’s little reason to visit Statesville and that hotel won’t do it alone.
I am so thrilled that the Vance Hotel is going to reopen. I was on the DSDC board 20 years ago & I know what a wonderful job they try to do unless there continues to be roadblocks for growth.
I have loved the Vance Hotel all of my life. There were many wedding lunches & receptions in its glory days. It was always a special place to be. It was a very special place then and could be a very special place again for our city to be proud of.
I agree that the City should support this project as much as possible. I also agree that the second story of the other buildings need to be renovated for residences. It just makes sense to utilize all the wasted spaces when it would bring in more people & revenue to our beautiful City.
I love Statesville & only want it to flourish once again.
Support good changes Statesville.
I agree !
I will preface this reply by stating I am a recent transplant from the Northeast, so I don’t benefit from being a long-standing citizen of beautiful Statesville. Since moving here, my family and I have fallen in love with the community and plan to remain for many years.
I have been an environmental and site development consultant to the residential and commercial development industry for 30 years. Over my career, I have been involved in numerous successful redevelopment projects and believe I can speak from experience when I say- I and have never seen a community with so much untapped potential for development and redevelopment. Mr. Barker’s statement, “You’ve got a jewel here. “It’s like walking on the beach and finding a little diamond. … I know what it (the Vance) can do for this community” is spot on.
Even with all this potential, successful redevelopment begins and ends with the citizens showing their support and the leaders they have chosen to help shepherd it along. Lack of investment together with poor planning leads to crime, blight, economic decline, and eventual collapse of the community.
Successful redevelopment does not happen overnight. It is a stepwise process. The Vance is not just a step in the right direction but a giant leap forward.
The growth is headed this way. Like it or not. I try to patronize the existing downtown eateries. I would do fine dining downtown once per month at minimum. Pool, vagrants and nay-sayers are small potatoes which can be made into French fries. Parking though is a much larger spud that will require some ingenuity. As the town develops, I will entertain moving my office here from Mooresville, along with housing and entertaining my clients and out of town colleagues. The Vance would be a nice start.
Build it and they will come.
Thank you, Glenda.
Everyone said “There is nothing to do” in Statesville. So we opened Key To Escape, and we are now internationally recognized; and a destination for people from around the world.
It is the kind of negativity you mention that forms an all-too-familiar trap which reveals itself in things like “that won’t last”, or “same old city council”, or “what about the mall”.
We are finally thinking, as a community; of big things. Not just hotels or entertainment, but even talking seriously about those issues that have stymied our progress.
We must come together and move forward. The “it will never work” crowd will still benefit, even in their stubborn adherence to “the old ways”.
I’m not negative, just a realist