Industrialist Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.”

Seth Ledford, a program specialist for Iredell County Public Library, is building on that famous quote by encouraging residents to adopt a can-do attitude in the new year.
Ledford recently hosted two “100 Day Project” workshops to encourage participants to start and complete a project that they’ve been interested in but just haven’t gotten around to doing. The hardest part toward achieving any project — whether it’s writing a short story or cleaning out the garage — can be just getting started.
“It’s choosing things we want to do, but put off because life is busy,” Ledford said. “The heart behind it is to go ahead and get started to create something.”
The goal shouldn’t be about completing the perfect project, he explained. It is about being intentional and mindful.
“You can start small and get better everyday,” he told the participants in one of the workshops.
Ledford provided numerous tip to help participants, including having an accountability partner, keeping items needed in easily accessible locations, and designing your environment to help you stay focused on your project.
The projects can be something as simple as journaling or reading the Bible every day to building something, completing a service project, or learning a new skill.
Ledford said he is engaged in different projects all of the time. Even the smallest steps toward a goal count as progress.
“Something is better than nothing,” Ledford shared. “Just show up, do what you can, and don’t worry about it being perfect.”
For more information on upcoming programs and projects, visit