Iredell-Statesville Schools Board of Education Chairman Bill Howell announced Monday night that he will make a motion during the October 9 board meeting to strip Vice Chairman Mike Kubiniec of his leadersip position on the board.

The chairman will also ask the board to vote to censure Kubiniec.
During Monday night’s Committee of the Whole meeting, Howell made his intentions clear, but he offered few details publicly about what Kubiniec had done to warrant those sanctions.
“Board members, this is not something I’m looking forward to, but it’s something that needs to be done,” the chairman said. “Mr. Kubiniec, I am advising you that next week at the board meeting I will be making a motion to have you removed from vice chairman.”
“At that time, if I get a second, there will be room for discussion — you will certainly have time to speak. Also, after speaking to some of the board members, I’m going to make a motion to censure you,” Howell added.
Censure is an expression of formal disapproval of a public official’s conduct.
In an interview with Iredell Free News, Howell explained that the board does not have the power to remove Kubiniec from office.
Kubiniec will have the opportunity to challenge the motions.
Howell will provide evidence of what the vice chair has done to warrant the sanctions. The chairman said he has proof, but the evidence will likely be presented in closed session because it requires identifying specific personnel.
“He’s turned this community upside down. He has created friction. He has taken the philosophy of one group and tried to impose it on the entire board, in my opinion,” Howell said in an interview.
“We are elected to represent the entire county. There are different philosophies in this county,” he added.
Howell handed out a sheet of paper (that was not read during the meeting). Entitled “Potential for Censure Consideration,” it outlined the rationale for sanctioning the vice chair:
♦ Bringing a non-school visitor for a visit to a school without prior permission or notice on more than one occasion. Not requiring the visitor to sign in upon arrival at the school.
♦ Not providing an inviting environment for staff and students.
♦ Working against the Superintendent and the Board in policy decisions regarding students.
♦ Making multiple requests from employees without the full approval of the Board. Treating employees as though they report to you and monopolizing employees’ time, which takes away from their normal duties.
♦ Not following process and procedures for school district operations.
♦ Breaking school board policies by sending out a survey on I-SS email.
Howell told Iredell Free News that he had personally tried to counsel Kubiniec. The vice chair ignored him, Howell said.
According to Howell, Kubiniec recently walked into a central office employee’s office and said the employee was not doing his or her job.
“I’ve lost sleep over this decision. Some other board members came to me and said we need to do something,” Howell said.
According to Howell, if the board chooses to remove Kubiniec from his leadership post, the board would immediately begin the process of selecting a new vice chairman.
It’s obvious Mr. Kubiniec is a Trumpites; the rules apply to everyone BUT him. Censure is kind.
Ad Hominem attacks are the argument of the simple. Bless your heart.
Ok, Roger Ramjet. Too bad you’re my elder, son.
His behavior is a reflection of the entire board. (Guilt by association). To stand by and say nothing is implied agreement with his actions. Others who engaged in quorum texts meetings with him are just as guilty.
Donna: Not sure what censure & potential vicechair removal have to do with any of that. The chairman listed off the reasons why this was being considered.
I am so glad to see this happen. People in our community who are not like Capt K needed a hero up there on that dias to do something about him and his awful behavior towards many of us and our school system employees. This is a good start.
Richard, why do the libs always include Trump in every comment they make?
Because Kubenick and the others model their moronic behavior after Trump. Stupid is as stupid does.
Not a lib. Been a Republican the entire time, but don’t support rule-breakers or insurrectionists.
Interesting that this comes on the heels of reports that the board has held secret meetings -an attempt to have folks focus on censuring and not illegal meetings?
I’m sure the Navy is so proud!
They should have included Ms. Thunderdome in this deal!!
To the uneducated voters of Iredell County: You reap what you sow. Congratulations!
Yeah, but Kub and the Thunderdome are both Mooresville. We aren’t allowed to vote except for the one that would represent our area. Yet, we have all had to suffer due to them. Of course, Crying Brian is nothing to cheer about either. He thinks a Liberal Arts education actually means they teach you liberal. Bless his ❤️ .
Help Wanted: Republicans at all levels of government who actually want to govern, not just go around kicking everyone else’s barn down.
Might be hard to find them. They’re too busy drinking the Kool-Aid.
My goodness what in the world is happening to education. Bringing politics into education is a big no, no. They are adults and should be able to work things out. This is sickening to see an adult act like this. Sounds to me like someone has gotten a taste of power and it is being misused. He’s not above the law.
That’s what happens when you’re a puppet and are doing someone else’s bidding!!
Free speech and new ideas are absolutely not welcomed at ISS board meetings. Failure to agree with Chairman Howell and Mr. “We have a process” Charles Kelly, and you will be attacked, censured, and accused of inappropriate behavior outside of the meeting room. I don’t know what Mr. Kubiniec might have said to an employee in the central office, but I defend his right to voice his opinion. All the other accusations made by Mr Howell are trivial and exaggerated for dramatic effect. What exactly is an “inviting environment”? Why would a school board member need permission to bring a visitor (unidentified) into a school?
I doubt that Mr. Kunbineic is seriously concerned about losing the vice-chairmanship.
He will still be able to speak out for the welfare of the children, in contrast to some other board members who lack the courage to speak against the obscene school library books and have even suggested that they provide a form of sex education.
Sorry, I forgot to ask why Mr. Howell felt the need to be interviewed and have his charges against Mr. Kubiniec published in this newspaper ahead of the school board meeting next Monday, October 9th. That seems to me to be very inappropriate behavior and probably violates policies and procedures to be followed by board members. Perhaps Mr. Howell himself should be censured.