Iredell County commissioners took a deeper dive into the proposed $323.6 million budget for fiscal year 2023-2024 during a two-day work session on Thursday and Friday.

During the workshops at the Iredell County Extension Office, department heads presented their budgets to county commissioners and discussed the latest in their department, new legislation and other topics.
On Thursday afternoon, after a power outage, the board continued to push through their agenda by flashlight and cell phone light.
Calling the sessions “productive,” Chair Melissa Neader said she was pleased with how much ground the board covered.
The budget represents a 25 percent increase in spending from the current budget of $258.7 million.
County Manger Beth Mull recommended that commissioners reduce the property tax rate from 53.75 cents per $100 valuation to 50 cents per $100 valuation. However, property values across the county have increased significantly during the past four years so most property owners will still see an increase in their tax bill.
Salary increases
The proposed budget calls for a 5 percent pay scale adjustment for all positions, which would cost about $1.5 million to implement.
Mull is also recommending a 4 percent merit increase that will be paid to all existing staff beginning July 1. The estimated cost is $1 million.
New positions proposed
Mull recommended adding 30 new full-time positions and two part-time positions during the upcoming fiscal year. The estimated cost of salary and benefits of these new positions is $1.5 million.
Among the new positions are:
• Fourteen new positions in the Department of Social Services, including an attorney and two specialists in the child welfare division and 11 income maintenance positions to create another team as a result of the Medicaid expansion. The 11 income maintenance positions will be funded for six months, so they will be added in January.
• Eight EMS paramedics, which will be funded for six months and only filled once the other vacancies are filled.
• Two positions in the county’s IT Department; one application developer and another system analyst with a GIS focus.
• One part-time election specialist in the Elections Department.
New high school project
The new high school project was originally passed and funded through the 2020 bond at an estimated cost of $80 million. In April, Iredell-Statesville Schools requested up to $200 million for the project.
During Tuesday’s board meeting, commissioners agreed to allocate $120 million for the new high school. I-SS officials have also said the district will need a new elementary or middle school.
Mull recommended that the county borrow $40 million for the new high school project.
The county will use the additional property tax revenues to pay the debt service on the $40 million loan. The county will also set aside funds for the new elementary or middle school.
This approach, Mull said, will prevent the commissioners from having to place a referendum on the 2024 ballot.
Budget at a Glance
Top Five General Fund Proposed Budget Expenditures by Service Type:
• Education — 40 percent
• Public Safety — 20.5 percent
• Capital Improvement fund—13.8 percent
• Human Services— 12.3 percent
• General Government—7.3 percent
Critical staffing shortages
Commissioners learned that Iredell County Department of Social Services is facing critical staffing shortages, with nearly 50 open positions.
Officials are trying to remedy the situation by looking at a possibility of a hybrid program that will offer a remote work option for some eligible employees.
The two areas that have been greatly impacted by the vacancies are workers in Child Protective Services and Medicaid expansion.
While there are shortages, the DSS staff continue to fill the gaps without impacting services.
Neader called it a “sign of the times” and said that the board wants to move in a direction that the director thinks will help fill vacancies. The board agreed by consensus to allow the Director Yvette Smith to put together a pilot program option together.
DSS is trying to be creative to fill these vacancies, and the pilot program will address employees’ desire to work from home.
Staffing issues aren’t limited just to DSS. As a result of COVID-19, the county’s staffing has decreased for various reasons yet the demand for services continues to increase.
The county had 141 open positions as of March.
“We are not immune to the hiring difficulties that employers around the county are experiencing,” Mull said.
Commissioners also have discussed the need to ensure the county has a succession plan for when long-time employees retiree as well.
New Parks and Recreation director
In other matters, the board met the new Parks and Recreation Director Tate Osborne, who came from the City of Charlotte. This was his first week on the job. He is a graduate of UNC-Charlotte, where he was a member of their baseball team.
Tate is also a former parks and recreation director of the City of Locust in Stanly County.
Veterans Services update
Commissioners learned that Iredell County Veterans Services Office is seeing a significant increase in claims because of the PACT Act legislation.
PACT Act is a new law that expands VA health care and benefits for Veterans exposed to burn pits, Agent Orange, and other toxic substances.
For this reason, Veterans services office, 200 South Center Street in Statesville, is operating on an appointment-only basis.
Voter Identification
Iredell County Board of Elections Director Susie Jordan told commissioners that the State of North Carolina will require voters to provide identification starting this year.
Thanks to Iredell Statesville Schools we all are stuck with higher taxes over the high school they waited on building. Go watch this weeks commissioners meeting. All I can say is wow. Stroud and Connolly told it like it was.
Has the school board even talked about reducing the high school to maybe even get it to a lower number vs 200 million. That would be a record for the state as being the most expensive school built?
I thought folks bragged they got all conservatives on the board and would do great things. Sounds like democrats and socialist in disguise maybe? Iredell Statesville Schools need to take a step back and refocus other than scream for hundreds of millions for one dang school.
We can only hope the four peoples commissioners hold the line against the rhino and ISS.
Don’t foist these loons on Democrats. Voters entrusted public education to people who don’t believe in public schools. MAGA voters wanted a MAGA board, regardless of qualifications.