Special to Iredell Free News
Coaches Randy Stroud, Cody Phelps, Clarrissa Reinhardt, and Bri Rucker and some parents were prepared to scrimmage with the Special Olympics Eclipse Basketball Team this week at regular practice.
The Special Olympics Iredell County Eclipse Basketball Team came to practice donning their new basketball outfits and sports bags to prepare for Special Olympics North Carolina Summer Games coming up the first weekend of June in Raleigh. The new sports attire was purchased with a grant from Partners Health Management, and Traci Summers from Partners Health Management was present to witness the athletes in their exuberance.
“Partners wants to be involved with the fellowship and lives of the people we serve in our communities,” said, Care Manager for IDD for Partners.
Special Olympics is very important for individuals physically as well as spiritually, she said, explaining that a special outfit helps local participants with leadership and teamwork.
In the past year across the Partners area, Summers said she had seen a lot of growth in Special Olympics. The teams are getting larger and working hard to be successful.
The Eclipse team will be going to the N.C. Summer Games with an extra dose of confidence thanks to the donors. The new team bags provided by the grant for the basketball attire will help the athletes keep everything together, an organizational tool they have not had until now.
Under the leadership of coach Kaylyn Chapman, the Eclipse had their inaugural season in 2016 with just three players and won a bronze medal at the Special Olympics North Carolina State Games. Just two short years later, the team had grown in size and talent and added coach Randy Stroud. Everyone was ecstatic when the team won the State Championship in 2018 in 3 on 3 basketball.
Now Coaches Randy, Cody, Clarissa, and Bri are preparing the current team for the state games again.
At a recent practice, the team played their coaches and parents, breaking in those new basketball uniforms. These coaches give instruction, encouragement, and love at every weekly practice.
With such outstanding support from the community, coaches and parents, the team heads off to Special Olympics North Carolina Summer Games with all the skills, confidence and swag to bring home another state championship.
Thank you for the great coverage and photographs! Iredell County has so much to be proud of and these folks are shining examples of courage and kindness that we can all aspire to.
Good luck, Eclipse!