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Iredell-Statesville Schools Board of Education member Doug Knight has filed to run for another term.

Due to redistricting, Knight is running for the District 6 seat, which represents West Iredell, Troutman and mainly north of Mooresville.
“I am a conservative who believes in freedom and liberty for the individual and a Christian who, even though I stumble at times, follows the Savior with all my heart,” Knight said in his campaign announcement.
“I’ve been blessed to serve on the board these past four years and look forward to continuing my optimistic, reasoned, analytical approach to problem solving,” he added.
Candidate filing ended Friday. The general election is November 5, 2024, and the primary is set for March 5.
Knight, who currently serves as the District 4 representative, said his physics and engineering experience, along with more than 20 years teaching experience at the high school and university level, make him “uniquely qualified” to serve the children of Iredell County.
“Doing what is best for the children and parents and then the teachers and staff has been the basis for my actions on the Iredell Statesville School board,” he said.
Knight works as an associate professor of physics at Lenoir-Rhyne University and previously taught physics and engineering at Mitchell Community College for 10 years and high school for six years.
He has been a strong advicate for STEM education for all students, during the school year and via summer programs.
“I work to have a positive relationship with other elected officials while listening and respectfully responding to constituents, whether we agree or not,” Knight said.
As long as you are backing the backstabbing Howell, you sir are unfit to represent the students and our parents in Iredell-Statesville Schools. We the people are just so tired of the fighting, bickering and finger pointing at a man that has no hard evidence against him and that has only done good for our children of Iredell-Statesville Schools. Making serious decisions and charges against a man without even looking at or considering the evidence. Please consider backing out of running for the board again.
Mr. Knight, you stated at the Dec. 11th board meeting that “there was some evidence in there” (in reference to Mr. Kubiniec’s supposed evidence of wrongdoing) and that you didn’t want to get into that. If there was, perhaps, one or two questionable pieces of evidence out of several provided, and if these one or two pieces were so egregious, one may consider a vote in favor of a censure. But that was not the case. None of your supposed evidence rose to the level of censure. I believe your vote to censure Mr. Kubiniec was heavily swayed by what you said has happened since the whole censure debacle was put into motion back in October. Were you basing this on Mr. Kubiniec’s questioning of Ms. Trent’s qualifications for office? He was not the one who went before the Board of Elections, but he and other board members have every right to question Ms. Trent’s residency. There was a potential violation of law. Also, were you basing this on Ms. Trent’s trumped up, baseless, and unsubstantiated allegations against him? You were to base your vote to censure Mr. Kubiniec or not solely on the evidence provided to you within that packet he sent to you and all board members via tracking (which Ms. Trent equates to “stalking”). That’s how democracy is supposed to work. You don’t reach a verdict on a jury based on what the defendant does afterwards. You base it on the evidence provided. And let’s not forget that you voted to strip Mr. Kubiniec from his vice chairman role without having seen the evidence. Mr. Howell even stated that he didn’t have to give a cause for removal, and you, Charles Kelly, and Abby Trent went right along with that twisted line of thinking. I hope voters consider this when choosing to elect you or not.
Hey Jill aka Silence Dogood, why are you so smitten with this Kubinec guy? Go pour Micah a bowl of frosted flakes and tell him to get to work. Love ya!
Blake: It’s the Kubiniec Clan! They’ve got to unite 😂 None of them have real jobs, so they have nothing better to do than obsess over each other and worry about what other board members do in their free time!
Jill does work. She has to work to keep up her stay at home adult son, tha puppet master!
When is the new “podcast” going to drop Mike uh? Can’t wait to hear more of your musings from QANON