A man who was previously convicted of shooting a Statesville police officer is returning to state prison after entering an Alford plea to an assortment of charges in Iredell County Superior Court.

Judge Joseph Crosswhite ordered Keith Eugene Lackey Jr., 26, to serve 47 to 84 months in prison on Monday.
During a court appearance on Monday, Lackey maintained his innocence but conceded that there was sufficient evidence to convict him of three counts of Possession of Cocaine, Attempted Trafficking in MDMA, two counts of Possession of a Firearm by a Felon, Flee/Elude Police, and Misdemeanor Carrying a Concealed Gun.
Judge Crosswhite consolidated those charges into three aggravated and consecutive active sentences, including:
♦ 19-32 months for Attempted Drug Trafficking;
♦ 14-26 months for Possession of Firearm by Convicted Felon; and
♦ 14-26 months for Possession of Firearm by Convicted Felon
Lackey was previously convicted of assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill in connection with the June 15, 2018, shooting of SPD Officer Tyler Horne. The officer was shot in the back while on foot patrol, police said.
Lackey also violated his probation in connection with that shooting, and his probation sentence will run concurrently with the above sentences.
According to N.C. Department of Public Safety records, Lackey initially served 12 days in prison and received probation in connection with the shooting of Officer Horne. After violating his post-conviction supervision, he served about nine months in prison for the shooting.
On Monday, the SPD praised prosecutors for their handling of the most recent case against Lackey.
“The Statesville Police Department would like to thank Sarah Kirkman and the Iredell County District Attorney’s Office for their hard work and for taking a career criminal off the streets of Statesville,” the SPD said in a statement. “Their valued partnership has made the Statesville community a safer place to live.
How do you shoot a police officer in the back and get parole?
What a joke….this type of Evil doesn’t deserve to see the light of day!!!!