Special to Iredell Free News
The newly elected and re-elected members of the ElectriCities Board of Directors were officially sworn into office at the board’s meeting on January 27 in Raleigh.
Statesville Mayor Costi Kutteh, who was re-elected to the board in November 2022, was also elected to serve as secretary during the meeting in January.
“It has been a pleasure to serve on the board of ElectriCities,” said Kutteh. “They support our city and its electric department in numerous ways, which have improved our service and calls through the years.”
Jim Gallagher of Gastonia returned to the board this year. He previously served two terms from 2014 through 2019, chairing the board in 2019.
Re-elected to the board are:
♦ Anthony C. Cannon – Greenville Utilities Commission
♦ Costi Kutteh – Statesville
♦ Charles D. Nichols III – Laurinburg
♦ Jonathan Rynne – Fayetteville Public Works Commission
The 2023 officers of the ElectriCities board are:
♦ Chairman: Randy McCaslin – High Point
♦ Vice Chairman: Troy Lewis – Tarboro
♦ Secretary: Costi Kutteh – Statesville
“Congratulations to our newly elected and re-elected members and to this year’s officers,” said ElectriCities CEO Roy Jones. “A big thank you to outgoing board chairman, Donald Evans, for his distinguished service and leadership this past year.”
ElectriCities’ 16-member Board of Directors advises and directs the activities and policies for North Carolina Municipal Power Agency Number One, North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency, and ElectriCities of North Carolina. Board members serve three-year terms.
Congratulations – Mayor, Costi Kutteh – Statesville