Special to the Editor
Mooresville Graded School District’s Julie Blocker was recently honored as the Southwest Region Director of the Year during the 2023 Career and Technical Education Summer Conference in Winston-Salem.
Blocker was also presented a certificate of appreciation for serving as a mentor for the past three years to three aspiring CTE directors as they completed their CTE administrative Internships.
Each year, all seven regions of North Carolina nominate three CTE directors to represent that region as the N.C. Association of Career and Technical Education Director of the year. From the three nominees for the Southwest Region, Blocker was selected by her peers to represent them for the upcoming year. In addition, she will complete a portfolio along with an interview to be considered for the NCACTE Director of the Year award. That process will be completed by the end of February 2024.
“I was honored to be chosen by my peers to represent them at the state level,” Blocked said. “My passion for CTE began in my high school accounting class. I received a bachelor’s degree in accounting from UNCC due to the influence one CTE teacher had on my life.
“I feel extremely fortunate to share my passion and love for CTE with the students and staff in the Mooresville Graded School District!”