Special to Iredell Free News
Caitlin Carmendy, an instructional coach at Mooresville High School, recently completed the International Society for Technology in Education Certification (ISTE) process.

The process combines 10 weeks of professional learning with a six-month portfolio application and review process.
ISTE Certification for Educators is the only vendor-neutral, internationally recognized credential for educators who have demonstrated mastery of the ISTE Standards for Educators. ISTE Certification focuses on pedagogy, not on tools or devices, and is designed to change educational practice in the classroom.
Carmendy not only received her certification, but she was also one of the select few to receive a perfect score on her submission materials. To date, approximately 3,000 educators have attained ISTE certification. Of those, only 51 have received a perfect score.
To learn more about the ISTE Standards for Educators visit their website at https://iste.org/standards/educators