Statesville Branch NAACP President Eric Todd Scott Sr. has been elected to the North Carolina State NAACP Executive Committee.

Scott was elected during the NAACP State Convention, which was held at the end of September in Wilmington. This year’s state convention theme was “Fighting Forward.”
As president of the Statesville Branch NAACP, Scott leads the organization’s efforts against institutional and systemic racism, discrimination and bias in our political, educational and criminal justice systems.
In his new leadership position, he will have the opportunity to utilize his passion and influence at the State and National levels of the NAACP. He will serve a two-year term on the Executive Committee.
“I’m truly honored to be elected one of the 24 at-large members out of over 100 branches,” Scott said. “There are difficult times ahead of us. We must continue to fight and build coalitions. I want to thank the Statesville Branch 5454 and my Executive Board for inspiring me to work hard. I am my brother’s keeper!”
Mr. Scott exemplifies not only what the N.A.A.C.P. stands for but what an all-around good community leader is.
Todd, I know that you will perform your new duties in an exemplary manner. Congratulations!!!