The Statesville City Council has unanimously approved a strategic plan that will help shape the city’s policies and funding priorities during the next five years.
The plan was developed over the past eight months during a series of 10 meetings, many of which were facilitated by Centralina Regional Council staff members. It was approved during the August 21 council meeting.
The 2023-2028 strategic plan includes a vision, mission and core values:
♦ Statesville will be a vibrant regional center that provides a higher quality of life for ALL.
♦ City of Statesville will serve with integrity, provide sound resource management, and equitably deliver high-quality public services.
Core Values
♦ We Value City Staff
♦ We Value Engagement
♦ We Value & Encourage Opportunity
♦ We Value Integrity
♦ We Value Quality & Creativity
During the final workshop meeting before council approved the final plan, City Manager Ron Smith said the administrative team would use the document as a guide for determining the city’s priorities in the coming months and years.
“It’s up to us to put this into practice,” Smith said. “We’re going to live by this.”
The strategic plan will give staff a clear idea of what is important to the council and city residents.
The document includes three primary goals:
Goal No. 1: Developing Our Team
The City of Statesville recognizes that its employees are its most valuable asset and resource for realizing the city’s vision. Capable and professional employees are essential for delivering high-quality customer service and managing the long-term needs of the community.
Goal No. 2: Connecting Our City
The City of Statesville strives to provide high-quality services and utilities for today’s needs, while also planning for the future needs of residents, businesses, and industry.
Goal No. 2: Connecting Our Communities
The City of Statesville supports vibrant communities and safe neighborhoods for employment, recreation, engagement, and housing.
The city manager expressed his appreciation to the city staff and council members for their work on the new strategic plan.
Residents also contributed their ideas by participating in an online survey at the beginning of the process.
“We heard what you had to say, and this is the end result,” Smith said.
Does this plan include providing the citizens with something to do beside drinking?
I’m afraid It would be more like Statesville to just directly supply the alcohol through the public water fountains.
I would love to see the city utilize more small businesses in local work needed throughout our community.
Clearly you all have never been to Nashville – all we do is drink here and we are getting a new football stadium. I think more bars and restaurants and music is the way to go.
In 1997 and again in 2009 Statesville was awarded the distinction as an “All American City.”
Just look at us now:
Businesses closed.
Few options for entertainment.
Few options for shopping.
We need to leave Statesville for almost everything.
Why is that?
Why does every community surrounding Statesville have 10 times more opportunity?
We are the county seat and have two intersecting major interstates, major infrastructure overhaul of roads, yet this town feels like it is being suffocated by some invisible cancer that makes progress impossible.
The plan and goals stated are brazenly vague for a city that looks like it is literally dying.
Maybe because you let Republicans gain control. Everything they touch dies.
Republican states are the most productive and safe, healthy and family oriented states in America. Democratic definitely designed to destroy AER. Do your research before you speak.
You are right on, Ron. I have lived here for many years hoping to see the city grow and am very disappointed. I keep hoping, but my time here is limited after living here for many years. You said it all, Ron.
10 meetings over 8 months to create nothing more than a word salad. Congratulations!
Exactly, there is no plan here. Where is the plan, what is the plan? This is a mission statement, not a plan of action – stop wasting everyone’s time and actually put forth the appropriate ideas towards the mission statement above.
Statesville needs a pick me and strap your boots kind of attitude. You are saying that your foundation is strong (the employees of the city) so use them to stand up with those boots and work to sell this city to businesses. You need to get it out there that we are open to have commerce big time. Statesville needs to be catching and hauling in small business to large businesses even downtown. Downtown needs some anchor businesses to get smaller businesses to swarm around them. Younger generations love to have variety of different foods not just Philly cheese steaks and hamburgers. Get an incentive for diversity in the area and people will come and spend money.
I just want to know why the roads in the city neighborhood are so bad. I live on Boulder Place, which connects to Beauty Street, which in the past two years have added 14 new homes and the road is terrible. They dug up the street to add water lines and instead of paving the street they half patched it. Where is all that new property tax revenue going?
Then stay in Nashville, Diane. We don’t want to be like that place. Thanks for sharing.
What a joke, all that time and money, for something a high school senior could have wrote and every town should already do. So sad.
I am from Washington, DC. I’ve been coming to Statesville since I was a child, and I am 55 years old. My dad owns a restaurant there after all these years it still seems the same old town to me. No growth. Nothing new to do. No malls. May be a handful of bars. They really need to go in a new direction.
When I was in the military and we submitted a plan, everything was planned for including a
failure. This plan can never fail, it does not have a “checkered flag”. Even another “Vance Hotel” would not be a failure and the burned out corner downtown just may be the next one. How can the City Council pat itself on the back with this Strategic Plan with no progress goals to measure? Come on folks you were elected to “lead” not hide behind such a Plan.