Three members of the Statesville City Council were sworn into office by Resident Superior Court Judge Joseph Crosswhite on Monday night.
Council members Amy Lawton (Ward 4) and David Jones (Ward 1) were elected to second terms this fall, while Lisa Pearson (Ward 6) was elected for the first time.
The council also voted to re-elect David Jones as mayor pro tem.
Prior to the swearing-in ceremony, outgoing council member Frederick Foster was praised for his service on the council and his commitment to the improvement of his ward and the city as a whole.
“Frederick has advocated for the citizens of Ward 6 very well, and we will miss him,” Mayor Costi Kutteh said.
Foster thanked the city staff for their work on various projects and issues. He said he will remain active in the community, helping out wherever he is needed.
He also noted a historic moment for the council, with Pearson making the fourth female member of the panel. In another milestone, City Manager Ron Smith noted that as of the close of Monday’s meeting, Kutteh became Statesville’s longest-serving mayor.
Intersection Improvements
Following a N.C. Department of Transportation review, the Statesville City Council approved authorizing city staff to solicit construction bids for improvements at the intersection of W. Water Street, W. End Avenue, and N. Meeting Street.
At the November 6 council meeting, members expressed hope that the intersection could be updated with three stop signs, but no curb modifications. However, NCDOT indicated some curb realignment will be required in the interest of public safety.
NCDOT also informed city staff that, although not a requirement at this time, closing the city parking lot entrance off Water Street will be required the next time there is a change of tenant in the adjacent building.
City staff said work on the project would hopefully be completed at night, and would likely take four to six weeks.
Statesville Gateway Project
The council also approved a first reading of an annexation request for the Statesville Gateway development, which would include retail space and 181 townhomes.
The request was submitted by Horak, LLC on behalf of the Estate of J.C. Faw Estate for 10 parcels totaling 34 acres off Turnersburg Highway.
The Statesville Gateway plans include 61,000 square feet of retail space and 181 townhomes. The project is required to have a minimum of 20 acres, 20 percent open space, a landscape plan, underground utilities, and a development agreement. A total of 6.54 acres of open space has been provided that includes a village green, a walking trail, and pocket parks.
The concept plan also indicates that there will be three access points on U.S. 21 (Turnersburg Highway), a connection to the Sullivan Farms neighborhood for access to James Farm Road, and a connection to James Pointe Apartments.
Economic Incentives
Council members approved up to $496,896 in economic development incentives for an industrial project off Odessa Road.
Charlotte-based Godley Property has plans for an industrial development that will include two buildings totaling 750,000 square feet located on 98 acres at the northeast quadrant of interstates 77 and 40 off of Odessa Road. The project plans include an invest of a minimum of $30 million and up to $40 million, with an anticipated completion date of December 31, 2026, said Iredell County Economic Development Corporation Director Jenn Bosser.
The performance-based incentive would be $165,632 a year over the span of three years, and would be for public infrastructure improvements.
In other business, the council:
♦ Heard a presentation from the 2023 Leadership Statesville class, which is conducting a project for the Foundry House, which offers an eight-month addiction recovery program. “An Outdoor Oasis will provide relaxation and place of comfort during those individuals’ stay,” said Leadership member H. Patton. The $25,000 would include fencing, a gazebo, grill, seating area and landscaping, and the group is currently seeking donations.
♦ Recognized the Oakwood IB Volleyball Team student scholars. “We were proud of them as they brought that trophy back home to Statesville,” council member Kim Wasson said.
♦ Updated its policies and fees for special events due to an increase in event requests. The update includes the creation of a Downtown Statesville Rental Area, which is where the Friday After Five concerts are located between Kelly and Mulberry streets. The space is available for public use with a rental fee of either $150 (free event) or $300 (ticketed event) and a Special Event Permit application must be received at least 60 days in advance with a $50 application fee. The city also changed its policy to include that downtown businesses must receive 30-day notice of events that will close downtown streets. Other facility rentals are also subject to a rate schedule for public and private events, and no applications would be accepted within 14 days of an event.
♦ Approved a request from the Statesville Police Department (SPD) to receive grant funding from U.S. Department of Justice – Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Hiring Program for three years that will provide funding for FY October 1, 2023 – September 30, 2026, for 75 percent of the salaries for four new officer positions in the amount of $452,715, with a match provided by City of Statesville of $150,905.
♦ Approved an amendment to the Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Real Property between the City of Statesville and Mitchell Community College for 30 acres of the Third Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility property.
♦ Approved the second reading of Rezoning Request by Giant Oak LLC (Wallace Springs Phase II) for property located on Wallace Springs Road, between Old Mountain Road and Arey Road; from Iredell County RA (Residential Agricultural) District to City of Statesville R-8 (Medium Density Single-Family Residential) District to construct a Phase II single-family cluster subdivision. The council also approved a first reading of a request to annex 50 acres on Wallace Springs Road for the development.
♦ Approved the second reading of Rezoning Request by Crush It Holdings LLC for properties located on Wilkesboro Highway and Northside Drive, between Interstate 40 and Quarry Road; from B-2 (Neighborhood Business) & B-4 (Highway Business) Districts to B-5 CZ. Crush It specializes in nutritional supplements and training bodybuilders. The company currently owns land off Wilkesboro Highway, between Interstate 40 and Martin Marietta, which houses a training facility and offices. They are purchasing the three adjacent parcels to expand their business.
♦ Approved the second reading of Rezoning Request by Iredell Partners, LLC for properties located between Wall Street and McLaughlin Street, Statesville; from R-15M (Urban Fringe Low Density Residential/Manufactured Housing) and R-5M (High Density Single Family/Manufactured Housing Residential) Districts to R-5MF CZ (High Density Multi Family Residential Conditional Zoning) District. The proposed project site is on approximately 61.28 wooded acres located near Wall Street. The conditional zoning request is to amend the zoning to allow a 294-lot residential development with 124 single-family homes, 72 paired homes and 98 townhomes. The project also plans for 20 acres of open space and a Greenway easement.
♦ Appointed applicant Donna Thomas to the Stormwater Advisory Commission.
♦ Approved staff working with state legislators to amend a North Carolina House Bill to allow the City to enter into hanger lease terms of up to 35 years. “Due to the significant increase in construction costs in the last 10 to 15 years, financing the construction of a hangar may not be viable when the ownership of the hangar must revert to the City at the end of the 25 years. Extending the lease term should encourage hangar construction,” the request stated.
♦ Approved a contract with Parrish and Partners, LLC for three years as the Statesville Regional Airport Consultants. Parrish and Partners provides civil engineering, architectural services, and design services for various airport projects. Projects include pavement improvements, airfield lighting projects, hangars, and terminal building designs. They have served in this capacity for the past 10 years.
♦ Approved a first reading of an annexation request submitted by 1SourceProperties LLC. The parcel is approximately 12.785 acres and is located at 211 Marble Road. The property is currently vacant; however, the applicant intends to construct an 25,000-square-foot office building and warehouse for the warehousing and distribution of cabinets.
It seems like part Of Statesville is forgotten about. Southside Statesville needs improvement too. Everyone is just going around Southside. They are building new homes around the torn homes over there. That’s not good at all. You All need to tear down those homes before you let any new homes come up.