Special to Iredell Free News
Local Historian Joel Reese discussed the 100-year anniversary of the Iredell County Library and the ties that it shares with the Statesville Woman’s Club during the club’s March meeting.
Mrs. B.F. (Mary Alice) Long held the first Woman’s Club meeting in her home in 1920 and a week later was helping to establish the charter of the Statesville Woman’s Club. The club’s goal was to open the first library in town. The Woman’s Club library was started with members donating their time by working to stack the shelves and then eventually donating it to the city in 1928.
Reese shared that almost all libraries in North Carolina were started by woman’s clubs. “You’re standing on the high heels of giants and show the path of how to get things done,” he said.
Club Gem
Club President Dana White recognized Deena Chamber as the club’s “Hidden Gem.”
Service Projects
♦ Club members participated in Read Across America by reading to students at local elementary schools.
♦ The club is beginning “Comfort Critters,” an effort to collect small stuffed animals for children who receive services from the Dove House Children’s Advocacy Center.
Wine & Design with a Purpose
The club will host a “Wine & Design with a Purpose” on Tuesday, March 21, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Historic Clubhouse located at 515 West End Avenue, Statesville. Flowerpots will be painted and filled with fun flowers to be delivered to a local assisted care community on GFWC Federation Day (April 24). All club members and guests are invited to join in this project. For more information contact Club Project Coordinator, Stephanie Gill at 704-657-5008.
Next Meeting
The next club meeting will be held on Thursday, April 6, at the Historic Clubhouse at 515 West End Avenue. There will be a time of Social Fellowship at 11:30 a.m. followed by the meeting at 12 noon. All members, guests and interested women are invited to attend. The project focus for April will be to paint kindness rocks for the Rock Garden at Pecan Park.
Annual Geranium Sale
The club is currently taking orders for “Blooms for a Cause. The Annual Geranium Sale will be held on Saturday, April 15, from 8 a.m. to 12 noon.
North Carolina Geraniums will be available in Bi-Color Cherry, Orange, Pink, Pink Flame, Red, Salmon, White, and White/Pink Splash for $6 per plant or $38 for a flat of eight plants per flat, mixed colors qualify). There will also be Hanging Baskets (Pink, Pink Splash, Red or White) for $25 each.
To place an order, contact Geranium Sale Chair Sandra Landry by calling or texting 704-775-2109 or by email at stlmadison@yahoo.com for more info.
Proceeds will benefit those in need through club and community projects.
For club information or about renting the GFWC of NC Statesville Woman’s Club’s Clubhouse for your meeting or event, inquiries may be emailed to the club at Statesvillewomansclub@gmail.com or by calling 704-761-8208. The club website is www.statesvillewomansclub.org. For details on joining the GFWC of NC Statesville Woman’s Club, contact Membership Chair Stephanie Gill at 704-657-5008.