Special to Iredell Free News
The Statesville Woman’s Club recently presented a portion of the proceeds from the Annual Geranium Sale to Iredell Christian Ministries. The $500 donation will be used to stock the shelves at ICM. The donation will allow the nonprofit to buy 2,500 pounds of food.

College Shower for Scholarship Winner
During its May meeting, the Statesville Woman’s Club held a “College Shower” for the club’s Sallie Southall Cotten Scholarship winner, North Iredell High School senior Trinity Webb. A senior at North Iredell High School, she will attend Mitchell Community College for two years before transferring to Western Carolina University. Trinity is the daughter of Marcus and Jennifer Webb.
Next Meeting
The club will hold its next meeting on Thursday, June 1, at the historic clubhouse located at 515 West End Avenue. This will be the last meeting before summer break and will be a fiscal year-end meeting and installation of officers. There will be a time of fellowship and refreshments at 11:30 a.m. and meeting will start at 12 noon.
For club information or about renting the GFWC of NC Statesville Woman’s Club’s Clubhouse for your meeting or event, inquiries may be emailed to the club at Statesvillewomansclub@gmail.com or by calling 704-761-8208. The club website is www.statesvillewomansclub.org. For details on joining the GFWC of NC Statesville Woman’s Club, please contact Membership Chair Stephanie Gill at 704-657-5008.