Rachel Spencer is pictured with the Sprinkle family during her 100th birthday celebration on Sunday.


Even after 100 years, it’s still possible to surprise Rachel Spencer now and again.

Following Sunday services at Covenant ARP Church, Spencer walked into a church hall packed with friends and family gathered for a surprise 100th birthday party.

“I never expected this big party — or to be 100,” she said with a smile.

Perhaps good genes or healthy living played a part, but everyone who knows Spencer seemed to agree that her faith has been the true sustaining force in her life.

When asked what she believed was the secret to hitting the 100th birthday milestone, she immediately recalled a favorite verse: “‘Trust in the Lord and obey his voice.’ I think that’s what we have to do.”

It’s a sentiment echoed by her grandson, Preston Spencer, who said her life has been a testament to her faith.

“She’s a loving, humble, determined and resilient woman,” he said. “She is a woman of great faith and a servant of the Lord.”

Her son, Earl Spencer, noted how rare it is to live to such an age, but said his mother has reached an even greater achievement.

“It’s really about the impact she has made over those 100 years. Music, school, neighbors — there’s so many lives she’s touched.”

Her impact has been so widely recognized that Statesville Mayor Costi Kutteh issued a proclamation declaring September 8, 2024, as Rachel Spencer Day.

“Rachel Spencer has been a valued member of our community, whose life and contributions have greatly enhanced those around them,” the proclamation read in part.

Spencer has certainly lived a life full of service and close bonds. Her love of music led to her playing piano in churches for the past nine decades. She proudly notes that she received her college degree in piano from Erskine University. She would go on to teach countless children piano in the following decades.

After college, Spencer worked at Barium Springs Orphanage as music director, where she would meet her husband Lee. The couple was married for 61 years, until Lee’s death in 2009. They had three sons, Eddie, Earl and Richard, and a daughter Nancy, who passed away in 1986. They have also been blessed with 12 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren.

Throughout the years, she taught at Celeste Henkel Elementary, served as choir and music director at Covenant ARP, and was active in many civic organizations, including the Statesville Women’s Club and the Civitans.

Many of her former piano students still stop to thank her and remember their lessons fondly. Beth McCoy, whose four children took piano from Spencer, recalled “When you took piano with Mrs. Spencer, one of the great highlights was when she played a duet with her students. She wasn’t just their teacher, she loved them.”

She has also served as an inspiration to her family. Her daughters-in-law Laura and Roxanne both spoke of the many lessons and love they received over the years.

During times of stress, Roxanne said, she would ask herself one question: “How would Rachel handle this?”

“She set a standard for us and modeled for us how to live well,” Roxanne said.

Displaying the grace she was known for, Spencer smiled and made conversation with all who gathered to celebrate her birthday. She made a point to thank them, and happily shared memories and stories.

And she plans to start the first week of her 100th year the same way she has for so many before — volunteering her time to play the piano for the joy of others.

“She’s a remarkable woman,” her son Earl said.

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