Special to Iredell Free News
Mooresville resident William Compton has announced his candidacy for one of three seats on the Iredell County Board of Commissioners.

In his campaign announcement, Compton called for increased transparency in county government, better communication with residents, term limits and more stringent regulations for residential property developers.
“Transparency and communication is so important when spending taxpayers money,” he said in his official announcement. “Citizens need to know there is a Citizen Budget Form that they can fill out online. There should be no closed meetings from the public. There should be a basic county budget mailed out to tax-paying citizens or a monthly statement showing where tax dollars are going. It would be great if the County Commission even had some local town hall meetings in Union Grove, Love Valley, Olin, Cool Springs, Coddle Creek, etc.”
A graduate of Mitchell Community College and the University of North Carolina – Charlotte, Compton is a lifetime resident of Iredell County. He cited his work serving on a nonprofit board as important experience. He is one of seven Republicans on the ballot in the March 5 primary.
Compton called on county commissioners — who oversee a $323 million budget — to provide regular communications to citizens on how taxpayer money is being spent. And he said town hall meetings are a “must for community engagement.”
Repeating statements he made in a recent GOP forum, he called for more local government control of public health policy and said he opposes school and business lockdowns, vaccines mandates and mask mandates.
“No tyrants from Raleigh or Washington,” he added. “We should respect our USA Constitution.”
Compton also called on the Board of Commissioners to be more involved in regulating residential developments even though most all large developments fall under the jurisdiction of town and city governments.
“Iredell County should have infrastructure in place before allowing massive developments. Many mistakes have been made in Southern Iredell County. Developers should be prepared to put in turn lanes, stop lights, connect to county water, place one home per acre and not four or more,” he added. “Apartments and hotels need stronger fire codes and building codes. Not just standard old outdated codes. Same when schools are being built.”
Compton also supports term limits, arguing that RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) “want to live in public office.” And he does not believe a countywide property revaluation for taxation purposes — which is required by state law — should be allowed during a recession.
Iredell commissioners, he said, should make education a top priority, ensure only biological girls are playing girls sports and preserve land for future needs, including schools, public safety agencies, agriculture and parks.