Special to Iredell Free News
The Charlotte Regional Transportation Planning Organization (CRTPO) Board has awarded $62.2 million in discretionary grant program project funds for 25 projects in Iredell, Mecklenburg, and Union counties.
Four projects in Iredell County received a total of more than $13.7 million:
♦ East-West Connector Phase I – Construct roadway on new location (U-6239) (Langtree Road to NC 115): $6,717,719
♦ Patterson Heights – Construct Greenway (W Moore Avenue to W Iredell Avenue): $2,526,392
♦ US 21 Greenway Connector (Under Turnersburg Highway): $1,000,800
♦ US 21/NC 115 Main St & Murdock Road/Old Mountain Road – Intersection Improvements: $3,546,901
The vast majority of funding was allocated to the City of Charlotte.
The CRTPO is the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the three-county Charlotte urban area. The CRTPO is responsible for long-range transportation planning in the region and ensures Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) transportation funds are allocated and spent appropriately.
The CRTPO also works with the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) to program federal and state discretionary funds to jurisdictions to implement a project, program, or study. These grants are essential to the cities and towns that may not otherwise be able to fund these transportation projects.
Wow! Why couldn’t some of this money have gone for Race Street. It been almost undrivable for over a year now. Can we get that fixed pretty soon?
The ban on streetlights is still in effect too.