Special to IFN

Cub Scout Pack #173 in Mt. Mourne, as one of its three summertime activities, recently held a Fishing Derby at the Lake Norman State Park for Pack families.

The Cub Scouts and their siblings were taught how to tie a hook on a line, bait a hook and cast the line, plus how to bring in a fish caught. All of this was taught by three very dedicated officers, Iredell County Sheriff’s Office Deputy with the lake division, a Wildlife Officer and a Park Ranger.

All the Scouts received a Fishing Derby participation medal and trophies were presented for the smallest fish caught, the longest fish caught and the most fish caught. The siblings received a participation ribbon and a miniature fishing trophy.

A great time was had by all, including the parents.

The June Summertime Activity was attending a baseball game at the Moor Park in Mooresville. The August the activity will be an outdoor movie night complete with popcorn.