East’s Lighthouse coordinator team poses for a picture with the Lighthouse recertification team. From left: Peggy Marshall, Jenni Johnson, David Ansbacher, Principal Jennifer Ribbeck, Kaitlyn Meyer and Shaley Holmes.


East Iredell Elementary School was recently recertified as a Lighthouse School by the Leader in Me program in recognition of the school’s continued growth and innovation within the Leader in Me framework.

East Iredell Elementary was originally certified in 2017. It was also recertified in 2020.

“I almost don’t like calling it a ‘program’ because it’s just a way of life for our staff and students. It’s naturally woven into everything we do. A big piece of it is the empowerment of our students to be leaders,” said Principal Jennifer Ribbeck. “It goes outside of the walls of our schools.”

Ribbeck said that it’s important for students to first connect their leadership skills to leadership roles within their school.

“We have recycling leaders, car door leader, leaders that take down the school flag, dual-immersion language leaders who help with morning announcements and other leadership opportunities,” she said.

As a dual immersion school, East Iredell Elementary values diversity and inclusivity as important components of creating a welcoming learning environment. The Leader in Me program helps tie in that piece for our staff and students, Ribbeck explained.

The principal also pointed to the determination displayed by the students as the driving force behind their success.

“I think it’s had a positive impact on the way we approach situations. One of the habits is seek first to understand. We know from that habit — if there is a conflict, you shouldn’t jump to conclusions when a problem arises. There may not even be a conflict if we are using the habit to resolve the issue,” Ribbeck said.

She said she’s proud of the staff and students for modeling the habits and being good leaders.

The school’s Lighthouse coordinator team consists of Ribbeck, Instructional Facilitator Jenni Johnson and fifth-grade master teacher Shaley Holmes.

The school’s Junior Lighthouse team consists of two representatives from each grade. Jordan Gentry, a fifth-grade Junior Lighthouse team member, said being a leader means helping your school.

He has used his Spanish skills to read morning announcements. During the recertification process, Jordan answered questions and spoke about the school’s dual-immersion program.

Jordan said he likes to lead by example and that his favorite habit is Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then be understood.

“It’s helped me become a better student and learn new things,” he said.

Lighthouse Recertification Review

A Lighthouse recertification review is a process that Leader in Me schools go through to maintain their certification:

After four years, schools undergo an on-site recertification visit. During this visit, a review team observes classes, tours the school, reviews evidence, and interviews students, parents, and staff.

To earn Lighthouse certification, schools must demonstrate growth and innovation within The Leader in Me framework, be evaluated by certified Franklin Covey reviewers and implement a continuous process of school improvement.

Seven Habits

Leader in Me schools learn and practice leadership and life skills from Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People:
• Habit 1: Be proactive
• Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind
• Habit 3: Put first things first
• Habit 4: Think win-win
• Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood
• Habit 6: Synergize
• Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw


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