Nearly a month after a Statesville woman was found dead in her home, her family and friends remain hopeful that the individual who killed her will be apprehended and punished.

A small group of people gathered at Shelbie Smith’s mother’s home for a candlelight vigil on Saturday evening to pray and to show their support for the family.
Rev. Clark Paquette asked God to wrap his arms around the family and to help police investigators bring the person responsible for Shelbie’s death to justice.
“Things happen we just don’t understand — how people can have this mentality, how people can act this way,” he said. “We just don’t understand those things, and I don’t know if we ever will.
“This devastates the community when something like this happens. We begin to fear and wonder, ‘Are we safe? What’s going to happen to us? Do we need to lock our doors or buy more guns?’ “
Smith’s body was found inside her home off Hickory Avenue in the early morning hours of June 1 after her 4-year-old son found her and went to a neighbor’s home to get help.
The Statesville Police Department’s Violent Crime Unit is investigating the death of the 33-year-old woman as a homicide, but has released few details about her death. The State Bureau of Investigation is assisting.
SPD Chief David Onley provided an update on the investigation on Saturday.
“We are actively conducting interviews to ensure a comprehensive approach, as this is a complex case,” Onley said. “We are utilizing investigative methods and legal techniques that we cannot disclose at this time, as doing so could compromise the case and delay justice for Shelbie.”
The SPD is awaiting the analysis of forensic evidence submitted to the N.C. State Crime Lab. Onley cautioned that it could be months before the results of lab testing are known.
“The State Lab is highly skilled in processing evidence, but these types of cases require time and cannot be rushed,” he said. “However, we are hopeful that we will not have to rely solely on lab results for a breakthrough in this investigation, although forensic evidence will be critical once obtained.
“We understand the family’s and community’s desire for justice for Shelbie, and we share that goal,” the chief added. “We must remain patient, as our ultimate aim is to secure justice for Shelbie.”
Shelbie’s mother, Cassie Smith Akers, said on Saturday that she is confident that the SPD is doing “everything they can to find the person who did this.”
Shelbie’s death has devastated the entire family, but Akers said she has found comfort in the knowledge that her daughter is in God’s presence now.
“I feel secure knowing my baby is safe,” she said. “My baby is not battling demons anymore. … My baby is worthy.”
Meanwhile, Shelbie’s young son is living with a relative, Akers said, and has begun to see a therapist.
“He has good days — and he has those moments where he realizes, ‘Mommy’s not coming home,’ ” she said.
Anyone with information related to Shelbie Smith’s death is asked to contact the Statesville Police Department at 704-878-3516.
♦ SPD, SBI investigating death of 33-year-old woman
♦ Obituary: Shelbie Lynn Smith
I hope that spineless inhuman person is found and punished 😡