Iredell-Statesville Board of Education members have approved the district’s $3.9 million Title I
plan for the 2024-2025 school year.
Title I funds provide financial aid to schools to supplement the needs of disadvantaged children.
The Title I budget, which was approved during Monday’s board meeting, totals $3,938,343, which is a decrease of $425,097 from the 2023-2024 allocation.
I-SS Chief Elementary Officer Jonathan Ribbeck said this year 14 schools will benefit from Title I funds.
The I-SS schools that qualify for Title I aid are Celeste Henkel Elementary, Central Elementary,
Shepherd Elementary, NB Mills Elementary, Cloverleaf Elementary, Scotts Elementary, Cool
Spring Elementary, Sharon Elementary, East Iredell Elementary, Third Creek Elementary, Third Creek Middle, Harmony Elementary, Troutman Elementary and Union Grove Elementary.
The district’s Title I plan includes funding for 23 certified positions and 41 classified positions. A majority of the Title 1 budget is used to pay staff.
Title I funds are designed to help students, particularly those who have been low-achieving, demonstrate proficient and advanced levels of achievement.
Crossroads junior recognized for public speaking

The board also recognized an outstanding Career Technical Education student from Crossroads Arts and Science Early College for her performance at a national event.
According to Crossroads CTE teacher Tracy Skeens, each year Future Business Leaders of America recognizes the top 10 performers at the national level in various competitive events.
Iyonna Reid, a Crossroads junior, placed seventh in the nation in the Introduction to Public Speaking category at the national FBLA conference. She had to write a speech about the skills needed to secure her first job.
“Iyonna had to deliver the speech at our state conference, placing first and second at regionals and state, respectively,” Skeens said.
Board assessment survey approved
The board approved a school board assessment survey, which will include feedback from school employees.
A motion to proceed with the surveys passed by a 4-3 vote. Board members Abby Trent, Bill Howell, Doug Knight and Brian Sloan vote in favor of the motion. Charles Kelly, Anita Kurn and Mike Kubiniec voted against it.
The matter has been a controversial one because some board members feel that the results should be kept private rather than known amongst the public.
School board attorney Dean Shatley explained that the school board survey isn’t confidential and that the public can see the results.
“We get criticized by everybody. The newspaper, the media outlets and Facebook. Then there are some people who say ‘good job’ sometimes. We appreciate that, but that comes with the territory when you run for office. It’s one of those things,” Chairman Bill Howell told the board.
“That’s why this doesn’t scare me,” he added.
Kubiniec and Kern should be worried about what people will say regarding their stellar performances. The voters will have the final say!