Iredell-Statesville Schools Board of Education members appear to be moving toward asking district employees to evaluate the board’s performance through an anonymous survey.

During a discussion about reinstituting the board evaluations at last Monday’s board meeting, there were differing opinions among board members about the value of the evaluations.

District 4 representative Doug Knight said he was “highly motivated” to receive feedback from staff about the board’s work.

“I think it can give us some insight into how we are perceived, whether rightly or wrongly,” Knight said.

Brian Sloan, who represents District 1, also voiced his support for the evaluations. He was hopeful that employees could evaluate individual board members so he could learn how he could improve his service to his district.

District 5 representative Mike Kubiniec expressed his concern about adding another task to teachers and principals, who are already overburdened by state and federal mandates.

“I don’t think that’s what we should be doing,” he said. “The ultimate evaluation of a school board member is if they choose to run for re-election — they get voted in or voted out.”

Chairman Bill Howell said district employees would not be required to participate in the evaluations. They were done annually for more than a decade before previous Chairman Martin Page decided to discontinue the practice, Howell said.

The survey questions should be directly tied to the function of school board members, Superintendent Jeff James said.

Although he conceded that some of the evaluations in the past were “merciless,” Howell said there was value for the board in receiving feedback from district employees.

“It let people know where they stand,” the chairman said.

The board agreed to continue discussing the proposal during the August board meeting. Howell will provide sample questions for board members to consider.

The all-Republican board has been criticized publicly for much of the past year for infighting. Last fall Kubiniec was stripped of his vice chairmanship and censored by other board members. District 3 representative Abby Trent has also accused Kubiniec and his former campaign chair Micah Phelps of stalking her.

Meanwhile, Kubiniec and his wife have accused the superintendent and board members of committing perjury when they testified in a court hearing in which Trent sought a no-contact order against Kubiniec.

The board has also taken heat for the comments several board members made during secret text messages among the seven-member board and superintendent. For example, District 5 representative Anita Kurn suggested constructing a Thunderdome at Statesville High and having students with discipline issues fight. Other messages took aim at Iredell County commissioners and other local elected officials.

The board is also being sued by Iredell Free News, which alleges that the text messages violate North Carolina’s open meetings laws.

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