Iredell Free News asked candidates in the March 5 primary election for the Iredell-Statesville Schools Board of Education to answer several questions about issues facing the district and their qualifications.
Troutman resident Laketha Bobish one of two candidates running in the Republican primary for the District 2 seat on the I-SS Board. Here are her answers:
IFN: Please evaluate the work of the I-SS Board of Education during the previous 12 months. What does the board deserve to be applauded for? In what areas can it approve?
BOBISH: Each board member represents a specific district within the Iredell-Statesville School District and were voted into their elected positions by their constituents. As such, each member should be evaluated with regard to their performance by their constituents as opinions of others outside of their districts would likely not hold as much weight or consideration regarding how each individually conducts business on the board. I would like to thank Mr. Kelly for his time and commitment to serve and represent the constituents of District 2 during his terms on the school board.
As a member of the school board, I plan to communicate effectively with all board members in an effort to efficiently move forward toward positive results for the benefit of the families and children in Iredell-Statesville Schools. Having served on several boards and being employed in several customer service fields in the past and present, I have the experience needed to bring balance and order with a sound mind during conflict or discrepancy at the appropriate times that resolution may be needed.
I commend the board on their various initiatives within the schools to perpetuate their presence in the schools and their commitment to their elected seat. I think it is wonderful that Abby Trent has started a reading program at M.B. Mills, and I was happy to participate in the Constitution Day formulated by Michael Kubiniec. Individuals on the board should feel the need to have a presence amongst students in order to have a better grasp on what should drive their policy formation.
IFN: What is your assessment of Iredell-Statesville Schools? In what areas has the district distinguished itself in recent years? To what areas should the board/administration be directing more resources to bring about improvement?
BOBISH: Iredell-Statesville Schools continues to be one of the leading districts in the state regarding overall student performance in various proficiencies. In recent years it has been notable that vocational and agricultural learning have been a driving force in the district for students who have successfully completed and superseded many skills and obtained knowledge in these areas that will serve them well in their future endeavors. Now more than ever in our nation’s history, we need to ensure that our future generations are set up for success in the real world, and this is done through learning life skills and perfecting that which drives and fuels their passions. We need a workforce, entrepreneurs, and continued vested interest and work in the realm of agriculture. Iredell-Statesville Schools’ commitment to these areas for our students has proven effective, and continuing to bring resources to these areas will only benefit the district as a whole. As a board member, I will be a proponent and advocate for the continuation of growth in innovation of vocational and agricultural studies.
IFN: How are the individual schools performing in your district? If elected, how will you spend your time and energy to help the students in these schools reach their potential?
BOBISH: After redistricting occurred a few years ago, Cool Springs Elementary and East Middle Schools are clearly within the lines of District 2. In order to better assess the performance of these schools, time and attention would be given toward meeting with Superintendent James, the principals and administrators, as well as the Parent Teacher Organizations. As a professional and published researcher, I believe that conducting a qualitative analysis using sampling of schools of the same caliber within the district and even surrounding districts would also bring about statistical data to determine performance against variables that may hinder or advance such performance, but that type of research would also take time. This very news source printed an excellent piece on the achievements of a student from Cool Springs Elementary and it was a delight to have the student highlighted with that commendation. I am looking forward to the building and completion of Weathers Creek High School in District 2 and continuing to advocate for adequate and balanced growth regarding school expansions.
I am a volunteer in Iredell-Statesville Schools weekly through my participation in the Pregnancy Resource Center’s Organization Truth Girlz. It is a faith-based organization that teaches young girls what to expect during their transition of growing into young women and how they are seen through the eyes of Jesus. I have volunteered several times with Fellowship of Christian Athletes and will be participating in the PTO at my daughter’s school. As a board member, I will continue to show up and have a presence amongst students as this is vital to conducting business on the board that keeps the needs of the families and children first. I will also advocate for the involvement of parents and families into the education and extra-curricular environments as this inclusion brings wholeness to families and allows parents and teachers to work together.
IFN: Current I-SS Board members have been sued for violating N.C. Open Meetings laws by meeting by text message. Will you commit to voters that you will only conduct the public’s business in public — unless the board votes to meet in closed session for the limited purposes allowed by law? Is this an issue the public should be concerned about?
BOBISH: Having had paralegal experience for over ten years, I know and believe it best to not speak to or involve any opinion in an ongoing lawsuit as it pertains to the school board. As a school board member, I commit to voters that I will be following policy and procedures and upholding the law regarding the elected position of a school board member. I expect to be held responsible and accountable to the constituents who put their trust in me to represent them, their families, and their best interests.
IFN: Why are you the best candidate in the March 5 primary election?
BOBISH: I am a Constitutional Christian Conservative who is a mom to two beautiful girls that attend Iredell-Statesville Schools. I have a vested interest in not only the future of my children, but the future of families in our county. As a mom who is involved in the schools through various volunteering opportunities, I continue to gain knowledge and understanding of the needs of public schools and the students that grace the classrooms each day. I am and will continue to be an advocate for families with Exceptional Children who face IEPs and special needs-based learning. It is vital to keep parental rights in education at the forefront in these changing times we are facing in our world today. I will be a staunch voice and proponent when it comes to implementing the language within the Parents Bill of Rights. I am thankful to NC Values Coalition for their endorsement as the conservative candidate for District 2.
I not only possess the experience of a board member, but I also have the education and hands-on practices for what is involved in being on the school board. I worked for two years in the state assembly learning the procedure to the formulation of bills and their presentation while also having the privilege to speak one on one with constituents. I have obtained two bachelor’s degrees: one in political science and the other in international relations. While studying to receive my master’s degree in public policy administration, I was tasked with obtaining knowledge into the public school system, the various entities involved in efficiently running and funding the schools, as well as conducting professional research at East Iredell Elementary School for my master’s thesis. This research led me to findings of the effects of homelessness on the education of children.
I have been a teacher and instructor of children in the area of dance for over sixteen years. I have had the privilege of teaching children discipline through perfecting a skill and bringing out their passions for movement. I now have a startup dance school where faith-based dance and movement will be taught to children of all ages. I am also a digital business owner through my Christian conservative-based video podcast Letters to The People. This digital business has grown exponentially and continues to reach individuals and families with the message of Biblical truths that are anti-present-day culture and focus on what we should be wanting for the future of our kids. The current cultural ideologies are harming the future of our students, and I do not believe they have any business in our schools. I believe diversity is more than skin deep and that we should push for equality of opportunities and not equity of outcomes, where you take credit or funds from another’s hard work. I believe in the inclusion of mental health awareness and advocacy for the mental health issues our students face without affirming what goes against creation or science.
I will be honored to become the representative on the board to the families and constituents of District 2.
Didn’t she just enroll her kids into public school a few weeks ago? Ironic considering she is running for school board now.
Bobish was part of the group that led the QANON conspiracy theories and “served” the school board fake legal documents. She is not a conservative Republican. She is an anarchist. Go back and watch that meeting and you will see her childish behavior.
Can we ask where Ms. Bobish works or has ever worked? Experience matters right? Are you a paid activist ma’am?
You may also want to ask her where she lives in the district. I hear she likes camping.
I’ve been advised she lives in an apartment in Mooresville. Also may be in the MGSD. What is the penalty for fraud??
I’ve been told that she did a video at pride parade talking about how they need to be careful not to be handed things because the demons will be passed to them, if the LGBTQ members had to touch us, to undergo demon cleansing afterwards! Do we really think she’s a suitable to be on BOE? I think not! Also I’ve heard she’s a treasurer for the Iredell Mom for Liberty.
The manner in which Lakisha has led her campaign demonstrates how she will lead our school board … Right down the drain.
She supports and has the support of the Kubiniec clan. I think I’ll pass! We do NOT need more of that clown show on the board.
Sad that some republicans believe she is not connected to Captain K and the puppet master. It was rumored that he was sighted putting door knockers on in the district. You might need to know whose door you’re knocking on if you are not wanting this known. If you truly think the I-SS board is headed in the right direction then add another puppet and you will reap what you have sown.
He donated $500 to her campaign too. Public record
Moms 4 Liberty – All you need to know. We need way less of those and way more of decent people who will care about ALL our kids. Not just no but hell no.